Chapter 16: Muny

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Watch the video first hehe...

Nicki's POV:

I got a round of applause as I finished my last song of the night "Muny".

I felt this warmness in my heart at them chanting my name. I blew a few kisses and skipped of the stage.

"Oh my God Onika!" Safaree cheered. "That was amazing!"

I smiled as he brought me in for a hug. I enjoyed it but pushed him as soon as I felt his lips on my cheek.

"No Safaree, not in public. I don't want them to know."

Did I forget to mention something? Hmm? Oh yeah! Well uh, Safaree and I are in a relationship. We've been together 8 years and counting.



Drake: Wait, wait! Hold up!

He says moving around underneath the bed sheets.

Nicki: What Aubrey?

I say pissed. Interrupting me and shit...

Drake: That's not how the story goes. Your missing like mad details, how you gon leave out that part that you and Safaree was dating?

Nicki: Shut up and let me finish.

Drake: Damn whatever...

He says and wraps his muscular arms around me, boy do they feel good.


(ok, you know how in real life, they were dating secretly and broke up. Well maybe, that may or not be the story line... And maybe we don't know who Onika goes to after Safaree. Or do we?)

I was too busy to notice I forgot to tell you. Oops!

But anyway...

"Why Nicki? Why can't the world know?"

"I think the world has to know me first." I state.

"You always think about yourself! You don't care about other people, your so stuck up. I see fame is already blinding you."

I look around and the stage managers are starting to stare.

"Not now Safaree... Your causing a scene."

"I don't give a fuck!" He raises his voice.

I jump back a bit, his little outburst scared me. My heart beat raced rapidly, and is getting faster by the second.

"Not here!" I yell.

Acting like a little brat, I storm away and head to hair and makeup, to get it all removed.

As I walk down the stadium hallways, I see Shanell. Damn, she looks wow... And not good wow either. She hasn't been getting the D. Man I feel for her.

"Shanell you okay?" I ask, walking closer to her.

"Yeah." she sniffles. "I just miss Wayne."

"And the D too? Yeah I know. It can be tough."

"Right." she lets out a laugh. "You miss it too?"

"Yes girl! The struggle ugh."

"Same over here." Shanell smiles.

"Lol, but I'll talk to you later. Bye Shanell!"

"Later Nick." she waves, and continues to where she was going before.

I sigh, and continue to trudge my feet to my dressing room.


"Haaaaa..." I yawn, waking up.

I itch my head and take in my surroundings.

It's just me, on my top bed bunk. I look down and see everybody gone, well except for Drake's loud snoring ass. His snoring causes me to laugh, it's so funny. He sounds like a pig giving birth.

Anyway, I climb down the ladder and he's straight into the kitchen. I see everyone in the living room gathered around Birdman. I'll go see what that's about, but I'm finna eat first.

Looking around to see what's good, I come across a s'mores poptart and gobble down.

With it in hand, I join the group.

Birdman, has a big bag with a dollar sign on it. My draw drops, I know what this means. Yes!

Drake's POV:


Drake: I don't snore like a pig! Stop making up lies...

Nicki: Yes you do!

She laughs.

Drake: And you laugh like a fucking hyena.

Nicki: Hey! That's not true!

She pouts.

Drake: It is, sorry baby. Now let me take over, because you obviously don't know what you're talking about.

She crosses her arms and sucks her teeth.

Nicki: I'm listening... 



I feel something soft hitting my face, maybe a pillow? A few second later, I feel the same thing, but something else pressing weight on my sleeping body.

I'm feeling the stages of becoming more awake, and woken up.

"Drake! Drake!"

"Mommy is that you?"

"Mommy? No! It's Nicki! Get the fuck up!"

With that said I felt, repeated blows to the head with the same puffy material. Finally, I open my eyes. My view is Nicki on top of me hitting my head with one of her zebra printed pillows.

"Hey! Calm down! What do you want?" I groan.

"It's pay day! We're getting moneyyyyyyy!" she yells.

My eyes bulge out the sockets.

"We are? Shittttt!"

I get up immediately, but in the process I knock over Nicki. She falls over and plops down on the bed.


"Sorry, but we talking about money."

She gets up and we run to the main part of the bus.

Birdman is handing out huge stacks of paper. We've been on tour for 4 months, and we get payed $100,000 every two weeks. So everybody is getting $800,000. Yes.

"Here you go Twist, and Tyga. Shanell!" Birdman exclaims as he's passing out the stacks.


"And one more surprise. Head outside! These are a gift from Wayne."

Everybody rushes off the bus, and jaws drop instantly as we see surprise.

There are 10 Range Rovers in all different colors, laying on the pavement.

"Your cars are the ones in your favorite color." Birdman notifies us.

I know mine is the black and gold one with an owl imprinted on the back window.

Nicki is over here screaming at her pink Rover.

"Oh my God! Ahahaha! I'm gonna cry!" she screams. And who couldn't blame her. We just got brand new cars.

Out of no where, she starts singing and dancing.

"Give me the money, the cars, the caseloads! The m-m-money! Yen and the pesos!"

"Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay!" everyone yells as she's working it. Damn.


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