Chapter One

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I was seething! How dare she speak to me that way? Does she know who I am? If she only knew the men I've killed for less, then she would be begging me for mercy.

I hate to admit but imagining her begging made my dick twitch. The business skirt she wore showed off her slender, cocoa butter coated legs. Her skin was rich and beautiful. The shirt she wore was not at all revealing, but I could see her breast move up and down with every angry breath she took. She had mesmerizing eyes that grew ferocious as she sat there provoked and agitated. She yearned to be tamed, I could feel it.

I realized I was staring and fidgeting to make myself more comfortable with the hard on that was beginning to show. Gesù, why was I a fourteen year old boy all of a sudden?

"What's the matter? Does my womanhood make you nervous?" she joked

She snapped me out of my gaze. If only she knew that I was never a nervous man. I was planning my attack. This dangerous woman was to become my new project. I wanted to bed her and since no woman could ever resist me, I knew it would not be hard, a challenge, but definitely not a hard one.

I could feel the tension on the plane and I knew that she was still not over our first encounter. I made it harder for myself, but as soon as I could, I would take her in the hotel room. Probably apologize and make things sweet and within the hour, I will have her begging me to relieve her of the aching itch that she alone could not scratch.


By the time we landed in Shanghai, I learned some things about her just from watching and listening. I obviously knew she was attractive, but I was able to view her body a lot more whenever she stood to stretch or use the restroom.

Her hips to waist ratio was definitely not like a model's, but I liked that. A man needs something to grab onto in bed. Her measurements appeared to be 34 inches in the bust area, 30 inches in the waist and 32 inches in the hips. I was well experienced with women's bodies, so it wasn't hard to tell.

She was short. She barely came to the bottom of my chin. She had to be about five feet and four inches tall. When she was yelling at me, she had to crane her neck upwards to look me in the eye. Never no matter, we're all the same height in bed.

I learned that she was intelligent and ambitious, may be overly ambitious. The files for Xing-Ji were thick. They contained all of the economic information we had on the company for the past ten years. There was no way that she was able to read, analyze, and plan a report within a fourteen hour flight.

I watched as she stared out of the car window in awe. It was clear that she had never been here. I wonder if she's ever been anywhere out of the country, for that matter. Women who had less cultural experiences were easier to bed. The thought of sleeping with a man as refined and wealthy as me, made them believe that they could have the world if they do everything I said. I never had to lie or cheat my way into any woman's pants, they did all the work for me with their hopeless dreaming. She would be no different.

When we arrived at the hotel, I went my separate way to my room. Giorgio and her seemed to be friendly and I knew he would relay all the information as needed to her. I quickly settled in and showered as I knew that I would be balls deep in my new financial analyst tonight. After brushing my teeth and spraying on some cologne, I stepped out of my room with a fresh new suit.

As I began making my way down the hall towards her room, Giorgio was entering the hallway with a young woman. I raised my eyebrow in curiosity as I wondered how he was able to get a woman for himself that fast.

"Gio, this is Julie. She will be Drew's interpreter" Giorgio introduced

I smiled and held out my hand as Julie blushed.

"I'm taking her to Drew's room so they can get started on some work." he explained

No! He can't do that, if he does, then I won't have the opportunity to complete my task.

"She just landed, she should be exhausted. Let her rest." I told him

"Drew requested to bring Julie in as soon as possible." he said

The look of shock could not be hidden on my face. She finished the report? She was ready to keep working?

I nodded my head and allowed them to continue to her room. Maybe this girl was smarter than I thought. I went back to my room in defeat as I thought of a different approach. There would come a time where I will get her alone and then I will seduce her into my bed, just as I had done every woman before.

Fun Fact: Whenever an Italian character refers to Giovanni, they are pronouncing his name as Joe-van-knee.

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