Chapter Nineteen

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"Sir, we found her." One of my men stated

I slowly opened my eyes to an empty bottle of bourbon. I was lying on our very expensive couch and Giorgio was lying on the identical sofa across from me. He was up in no time, walking over to sit me up.

"You hear that, fratello?" He asked

I could barely move so I just nodded. He chuckled before leaving me alone while he spoke to my men. Once he received the necessary information, he helped me up.

"Let's get you cleaned up."

I allowed him to take me to the nearest bathroom where he turned on the shower. He instructed me to undress and get in. He left the room to give me privacy. As I was undressing, I felt the strength of the hangover hit me. I groaned before entering the shower and washing my body. I quickly finished and Giorgio came in with a towel. He cleared the fog from the mirror as I covered myself. He brought me over and fixed my hair. When he was done, he gave a playful slap to my face.

He made me brush my teeth before handing me a suit to wear. Before we left, the bandage on my hand was changed. After a few bottles of water and Gatorade, I was beginning to feel a lot better.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"She took your plane to Orlando."

"Our plane." I corrected him

"Whatever." he rolled his eyes, "She's staying at some theme park hotel with the kids."

"Theme park hotel?" I repeated

I followed Giorgio out to his car where we drove in silence to the airport. Apparently she instructed the pilot to not notify anyone until after he came back to New York. Knowing that I was not the most lawful man, the pilot listened as he didn't think it was suspicious.

We boarded the plane while the pilot maneuvered nervously. I wasn't going to punish him. I was just happy that Drew and the kids were okay, and I knew where they were.

After an hour and a half, we landed in Orlando, Florida. Giorgio arranged for a truck that he would drive. He thought it was best if this matter was handled without extra bodies: just me and Drew.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the Universal Studios Resort. There were families everywhere and it seemed to be a large plot with a variety of buildings.

"Do we know which one?" I asked Giorgio

"Cabana Bay?" Giorgio answered

"Whatever that means." I mumbled

We followed the signs for Cabana Bay until we approached the entrance. We made our way to the front desk. Before I could ask any questions, I heard a familiar voice.

"Giorgio?" It was Drew

Giorgio and I turned around to find Drew holding Abrielle in her arms, with Cameron, Junior and Olivia close to her.

"¡Papà!" The children squealed

They wasted no time running to me, even Abrielle squirmed her way out of Drew's arms to reunite with me.

Drew stood where she was and slowly crossed her arms. I hugged my children before looking over at her. She didn't look upset or even hurt...she looked nervous, scared even.

"Resta con tuo zio." (Stay with your uncle.) I instructed them

Giorgio and I nodded to one another in understanding. I slowly walked over to Drew and when I was too close, she took a step back.


"Will you make it quick?" she whispered

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused

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