Chapter Three

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After the contract was signed by all three of us, Giancarlo thought it was necessary that we handle other affairs. This included business talk about the current order of things as well as future plans once the contract was completed. Giancarlo had his two business partners, Emiliano and Matteo join us for these conversations.

After a few hours of talking business with the men, I was annoyed and bored. The men were obsessed with doing things the "traditional" way, which was not reasonable given the climate of everything going on. In fact, the traditional way is the reason why they needed our protection in the first place. I was hoping that once the contract was executed, I could convince Giancarlo to trust us and allow us to make the necessary changes to make this deal successful.

I was more than happy when Giorgio brought up the fact that we had dinner reservations. However, I grew irritated when Giancarlo invited himself and the other two men along. I avoided rolling my eyes out of respect, but I knew it was going to be a long night.

Giselle arrived at the estate and followed her father's voice into his study where we all were. She kissed her father on the cheek before saying her salutations to the room. Giancarlo gently grabbed her face and complimented her.

Giselle was very beautiful. She wasn't exceptionally annoying and she was submissive, so she would make a good wife. She was spoiled and bratty, but it was nothing that my dick couldn't correct.

"Giselle, you know I love you and I know that you have a crush on Giovanni." he announced to the room

"Papà..." she shyly scolded

"Va tutto bene." he consoled her,

(It's fine, dear.)

"Sono felice di annunciare che tu e Giovanni dovrete sposarvi."

(I am happy to announce that you and Giovanni are to be wedded.)

Her eyes instantly snapped to mine. I held her gaze, showing no emotion.

"Davvero?" she asked her father


"Sí. Si prenderà cura di te... A meno che tu non sia d'accordo."

(Yes. He will take care of you... Unless you object.)

"Non lo faccio" she said rather quickly

(I don't.)

I almost laughed at her eagerness. Knowing that I had full control over her emotions pleased me.

"Buono. La vostra collaborazione è necessaria per questo accordo."

(Good. Your cooperation is needed for this deal.)

"Che accordo?" she asked confused


"Sì, la tua mano nel matrimonio è considerazione per il canale."

(Yes, your hand in marriage is consideration for the canal.)

"Oh... Capisco." she said deflated

(Oh... I see.)

Giselle knew she was beautiful and because of this she had a lot of confidence. She knew that she turned heads in a room. Wives were envious and husbands were lustful. But only with me did she ever seem to question herself. It was clear that she was nervous around me and did her best to prove herself. Although submissive and a bit insecure, she has shown herself to be hostile to most, especially women.

"Sarà il matrimonio del secolo." Giancarlo stated

(It will be the wedding of the century.)

"Sono d'accordo" I agreed

(That it will be.)

"Andiamo a cena, vuoi unirti a noi?" Giancarlo invited her

(We are going to dinner, would you like to join us?)

"No grazie, ho fatto altri piani." Giselle responded

(No thank you, I made other plans.)

A part of me wanted to see if Giselle could keep her composure that long in front of her father. He knew that she was antagonistic, but he didn't know how much of a freak she was. I'm sure she would have found a creative way to get us alone in the restaurant bathroom so that I could fuck her brains out for the second time today.

Giselle said her goodbyes to all of the men in the room. Giorgio and I told the men that we would like to change before dinner so we all agreed to meet at the restaurant.


I forgot that Drew was supposed to meet with us until the hostess clarified the number of persons in the party. Giancarlo was a very important man and the hostess wasted no time accommodating the change to fit the dinner party. When we all sat down, we informed Giancarlo and his partners that Drew would be joining us. The men questioned her presence, but they let it go. Once we had ordered wine for the table, there was more discussion of business and I immediately grew annoyed.

I looked down at my watch and realized that Drew was already thirty minutes late. It was unlike her to not be on time as she often arrived at places before we did if she could control it. The conversation at the dinner table coupled with Drew's tardiness made me more irritated than I was before.

My brother's attention left the conversation and shifted to the entrance of the restaurant. I followed his gaze to see Drew in the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. Or maybe it was her and not the dress.

She looked gorgeous and I couldn't stop the twitch in my pants. I had never seen her in formal wear such as this. She brightened the dimly lit room as she swayed to the table. The men at the table noticed her and others in the restaurant did as well.

She sat next to me and I was introduced to her perfume, which was the cherry on top. Giorgio introduced her to Giancarlo, Emiliano , and Matteo. The men shamelessly stared and gawked in awe at her appearance.

"You could have called." I said quietly

"There was no emergency. I relied on Abelia for my requests as instructed to me." she replied cheekily

I wanted to smile at her response. She was nothing like Giselle. Giselle was so focused on pleasing me and Drew could care less of what I thought. I held in my admiration and left her alone for the night.

She was having a three way conversation with the men and Abelia. I listened as she responded articulately. Even when she responded in the wrong language, she did so elegantly. The laugh that came from within was truly genuine and it was then that I realized how contagious her personality was.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her for the entire night. She was glowing. When she caught me staring at her, I didn't dare turn away. She quickly looked away and I desperately wanted to know what she was thinking.

At the end of the night, Giorgio gave me a signal that he wanted some alone time with Abelia. I took over with Drew to give them some privacy, but knew we had to be on the plane in a short while if we wanted to make up time from the detour.

I decided to take Drew to one of my favorite places so we could finally have some time to ourselves. She was so intrigued by the scenery and I was captivated by her.

"You look really beautiful tonight." I said

I can tell the compliment caught her off guard. Hell, it took me by surprise too, but I was telling the truth.

She began asking me about my childhood. I felt comfortable as I told her everything from growing up in Pistoia to our immigration to the states. She was actually listening and I appreciated that.

"Why are you being nice to me?"

The question threw me off because I, in part, did not know the answer to the question. I mean I knew at first all I wanted to do was sleep with her, but now, I was unsure of what I wanted from her.

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