Chapter Four

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She was crazy! But I admired her for her want to try new things. She was adventurous, charming, and charismatic. All great qualities, but now she was sick as a dog.

Even as sweat covered her face, she still looked ever so beautiful. Like sleeping beauty.

"You like her." Giorgio stated

"What are you talking about?" I played stupid

"You've checked on her every hour since we've taken off."

"She's a liability. I don't want her dying while under our employment and definitely not on my plane." I explained

Giorgio laughed. He knew me more than anyone did. I could tell he was enjoying himself.

"Whatever." I mumbled

I took a seat as I pondered about Drew and I's previous conversation. It did sting when she told me that she and I would never have the bond that she and Giorgio had. I was kind of jealous. But I had no one to blame but myself. I acted out in the beginning because no one dared checked me. Instances after that one was simply because she left me sexually frustrated and emotionally confused. It was childish and immature, but I was convinced that picking fights with her was the only way she would communicate with me. The moment we had on the steps in Florence led me to believe that if I tried, I could get through to her. But Florence also made me unclear about my own intentions with her.


After notifying her family and dropping her off at a hospital in Philadelphia, I decided to spend some time away from her while she recuperated. I traveled to New York to check on the domestic affairs.

When I arrived at my office, my secretary notified me that I had a message from Giselle. She never called me at my office. I waited till I was settled in and had lunch before I returned her call.

"Giovanni, love, I want to discuss the wedding."

I rolled my eyes at the idea. I honestly forgot that I agreed to marry Giselle for the deal with Giancarlo.

"I don't care about weddings." I simply stated

"So you don't want to be involved?" she asked

"No, I could care less."

"Even better. Don't you think we should announce the engagement to your family?"

This was already becoming a pain.

"Yes, that's fine. I'll arrange something and someone will communicate details with you."


She continued to bother me with more wedding/engagement antics until I grew too bored and rushed her off of the phone. My family knew about Giancarlo, but they didn't know about Giselle. There was no need to tell them as I didn't see myself ever being serious with her. I knew my mother would ask a ton of questions and I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell her the truth. I knew she would scold and lecture me on the sanctity of marriage, but I just didn't care enough to honor that. She would have to simply understand that business comes first, it always did.


Four days later and I honestly couldn't stop thinking about Drew. I called the hospital for updates and they notified me that she was healthy and would probably be discharged today. I gathered myself quickly and made the trip to Philadelphia in order to welcome her home. I thought about getting her something, but immediately felt silly for the thought. I was already going out of my way to pick her up and I knew she would be suspicious.

She was wearing the same clothes as the day I dropped her off. I can tell she tried to put herself together as much as she could and she managed to pull it off.

After some banter between us, I led her to the parking garage where I parked one of my new toys.

"This can't be the DB 11." she said once I started the car

"But it is." I smiled

Amazing... this woman knew about cars? She was making it hard to leave her alone.

After the silent drive (other than her directions) to her apartment, I offered to help her to her door.

"No. I'm fine. You've done enough." she smiled

She was so independent. I didn't want to overstep so I allowed her to leave without my assistance. I watched as she safely made her way into the building, then I pulled off. I couldn't contain the smile on my face as I stopped at the red light. I could see an object in my peripheral and discovered that she left her phone in the seat. What a perfect excuse to knock on her door.

I made a U-turn as soon as I could and parked my car right out front before grabbing her phone. I managed to catch someone who lived in the building and they held the door open for me. Before I allowed the door to close, I caught a glimpse of the buzzer with the tenants' names and apartment numbers. Her last name led me to the appropriate number and then I climbed the stairs in search of the proper door.

Once I made it to the designated door, I could see the door was slightly ajar and I could hear scuffling as if there was a struggle. I immediately pushed the door open to find a man on top of Drew. I instantly grabbed him and began giving him the fight of his life.

I could tell he was intoxicated, yet he was cognitive. He was twice as tall and heavy as Drew, but he was the perfect match for me. After pounding his face in, I stood to my full height when I thought he had enough. I walked toward Drew with the intent to check on her, but was taken by surprise when the man tripped me. He had a butcher knife to my throat in seconds. If I struggled, then I knew I would get cut and this idiot would probably puncture something serious. I slowly drew out my gun and shot him twice in the stomach.

I maneuvered myself from under the dying man to make my way over to Drew. I wasn't concerned about his ability to get up. She vomited all over the floor and I rubbed her back hoping to comfort her.

"Get away from me!" she yelled

Okay, I should've expected that. She's in shock. I don't think her fawning over me for killing a guy in her apartment was a reasonable expectation.

"We should call the police." she suggested

I didn't do police. Ever. I ignored her and pulled out my phone. I called my brother and told him what I needed. After the short conversation, I grabbed Drew and carried her bridal style down to the car. I child locked the passenger door before hurrying to the driver's seat.

What the hell was I doing?

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