Chapter Twenty-One

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As I waited in the chair across from this stranger, I grew nervous. I was never one to be anxious, unless it had something to do with Drew. The woman in front of me waited patiently, taking notes here and there as I squirmed in my seat. Drew was five minutes late and I was starting to think that she wasn't going to come at all. That was what made me nervous.

What if she didn't think the marriage was worth saving? What if she changed her mind?

"Sorry." Drew's voice rang through my brain

I instantly felt my pulse returning to normal. She had an apologetic smile as she stuck her hand out to the woman to introduce herself.

"Drew." she simply stated

I remembered when she always introduced herself as Drew Amante.

"Gio." she nodded at me

I almost didn't nod back because I was shocked. After that day at the house, we still weren't talking much.

"Now that we're both here, let's get started." the woman spoke

She was brown skinned with dark brown coils. She had an inviting smile and a voice filled with patience.

"I am Patrice and I am going to be your marriage counselor," she retrieved her pen as she got ready to psychoanalyze our relationship.

"Let's start with why you are both here?"

Drew looked at me at the same time as I looked at her. Then we both stared at Patrice with a dumbfounded look.

"I apologize, why are you here other than the obvious? Why not divorce?" she smiled, "Let's start with you, Giovanni."

"It's against my religion to get divorced." I simply stated

I heard Drew let out an emotionless laugh.

"What?" I looked at Drew

"If you don't want to be here, why did you agree to come?" Drew asked

"I do want to be here." I defended

"You don't want to get a divorce because of your religion?" she chuckled humorlessly, "We're not divorced because I didn't file the paperwork."

I stared at her as she glared at me. It felt like we had just met all those years ago: her hating me and me being so infatuated with her.

"Mr. Amante, this isn't the time to be prideful." Patrice advised

She was right. I wanted us to work, but I was not used to our problems being aired out.

"There is confidentiality here, so long as neither of you speak about any future crimes or hurting yourselves." Patrice offered

"I could never divorce Drew. It has nothing to do with my religion. I love her and I love who I am when I am with her." I said truthfully

I could see Drew looking over at me, but I avoided her gaze.

"Thank you for sharing honestly." Patrice nodded with a smile

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