Chapter Twenty-Two

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"We last left off on the engagement to Giselle. This created a strain in your relationship in the past and it seems to be coming back." Patrice began

"I don't care that you were engaged..." Drew started

"You care that I tried to put you in a position where you wouldn't be first." I finished for her

She nodded.

"And it wouldn't be such a big deal now, if you wouldn't let her get in between us."

"I don't let her-"

"You sure as hell don't stop her."

"How would you have liked for Giovanni to handle Giselle?" Patrice asked Drew

"It's not just Giselle. Giselle uses your father to get close to you. You are adamant about pleasing that man and it puts you- it puts us in the position to be at odds."

"What do you have to say to that?" Patrice asked me

"Before I met you, I had this plan. I was going to take over the world and I was willing to do whatever. I fell for you, and it became hard to just let that plan go. As if I didn't plant seeds for it for years. I'm sorry that I let my need to be powerful get in the way of our love."

Drew was silent.

"Drew, how does that make you feel?" Patrice asked

"It's hard to forgive you when just a few months ago, you lied to me to meet with Giancarlo."

"That was a formality dinner. I know I shouldn't have lied to you, but I was not planning to discuss business at all."

"All the more reason why should have told me the truth."

"You're right. I'm sorry."

She looked down at her hands, while shaking her head.

"Who asked for the separation?" Patrice intervened

"I did." Drew confessed

"Of all the times that you've separated in the past, who led that discussion?"

"She did." I answered

"Tell me about your parents' relationship."

"My parents have been married 40 years now." I told her

"Any separations?"

"None that I know about. They are pretty traditional."

"You mentioned your religion. Mind if I ask what you practice."

"We're Catholic."

"Okay," she scribbled, "what about you, Drew?"

"We weren't very religious." she answered

"What about your parents' relationship?"

Drew scoffed, "Nonexistent."


"They were married, or they still are, I am honestly not sure."

"You never asked?"

"My relationship with my parents is complicated."

"Both of them?" Patrice asked


"Tell me about their marriage."

"The story is: they were in love, got married early, had two kids, then my mom left."

"Who raised you?"

"That's a loaded question. My brother, for the most part."

Patrice scribbled.

"Do you know why your mom left?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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