Chapter Twelve

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I was more than anxious to make it back to Drew. Before I left, we slept in the same bed and I hated how it made me feel so juvenile. On the other hand, it made me hopeful, as I could tell that Drew was opening up to me. It felt natural to have her so close; her wrapped in my arms; it felt right.

After a long drive, I wasted no time making my way up the stairs to Drew's room. Like a bull in a China shop, I barged into her room without knocking and cut the light on. I could see panic in her sleepy eyes for half a second. Once she saw that it was me, her eyes showed annoyance.

After she chastised me, I began to get comfortable in bed next to her. I was so ready to have her in my arms, I completely forgot about my wound. She saw me flinch in pain and began questioning me. The only way that either of us were going to get some sleep was for me to tell her that I had been shot.

She left my side for just a minute to retrieve a first aid kit. She began removing my clothes in order to get a closer look. I knew that blood was not her most favorite thing in the world, so the fact that she was attempting to stop the bleeding was honorable.

"You need a doctor." she told me

If only she knew that this was not the first time I was shot nor, was it the most pain I had been in. I managed to convince her that I could wait till morning and although she wanted to argue, we both knew that it would be pointless.

"I missed you." I confessed

I said it in almost a whisper. I didn't know if she felt the same way, but I had to tell her.

"What did you do?" she asked

There was no way that I could tell her that I slaughtered families. Not ever. I wanted to be transparent with Drew, but she would for sure see me differently. There were some things that she didn't need to know.

I gave her vague answers, per usual. This time, if she pressed me, I would stand my ground. She wouldn't be able to handle the truth. I would keep her in the dark forever if that meant we could be together.

She gave up and proceeded to head to bed. After both of us were comfortable she quickly fell asleep while I whispered into her ear.

"Ho ucciso per te e lo rifarei."

(I have killed for you and I would do it again.)


"Who is Giselle?" she asked

There have not been many times when I've been thrown off guard. I was always prepared. Whether it be to fight or to have a response. Lately, being caught by surprise has been the theme with Drew.

I shouldn't have pressed the issue about being with her. I was caught up in the moment after lapping up her sweet juices. I had a thought: I could do this every day for the rest of my life. The sound of her moans were enchanting and addicting. I needed to have her to myself, officially. This would ensure that there would be no John, or anyone else for that matter.

She should've been in a pleasure filled coma, but to my own fault, she opened a door that I didn't want her to know about just yet.

"Who told you about Giselle?" I responded

Obviously, Gabi told her about Giselle, I was just stalling for time. I needed to address this in a way that was... delicate.

Telling her I am currently engaged was not going well, but I didn't exactly expect it to. Maybe if I had control over the conversation: brought Giselle up myself, then things would have turned out differently. And I knew for sure that explaining to her that Giselle was just a business deal would lessen the blow, but it did not.

She was yelling. This is not what I thought would happen. I barely caught her as she stormed off to grab the car keys. She's a runner... noted.

If I could just explain the entire plan to her, then she would understand, and we would get past this.

Step One: Marry Giselle

Step Two: Acquire the canal

Step Three: Divorce Giselle

Step Four: Be with Drew

It was simple and I would still be there for Drew during the marriage. Every day if I could help it. She couldn't possibly hate me if-

"Are you implying that you want me to stay even after you marry this girl?" she asked rhetorically

Judging by that tone, maybe I fucked up. She laughed coldly before making her way back up the stairs. I was losing her.

I can make up for this. Right? Gifts, everything. I would go broke fixing this. I would give her the night to just cool off. She needed space. Time to think, and so did I. I needed to get a plan in motion that would help her forget that I was getting married to another woman.

She locked the door to my original room, forcing me to sleep in her bed that had soiled sheets. I slowly, but successfully changed the sheets and then unsuccessfully attempted to go to sleep. I needed her in my arms. But most importantly, I needed her to stay.

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