Chapter Thirteen

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After last night's drama, I was adamant in speaking to Drew. I misspoke clearly, but this time it would be different. If I could just get her to talk to me again, then it would take nothing to convince her, I was sure of it.

As I was in the middle of breakfast, growing anxious for Drew's arrival, my mother stormed into the kitchen swearing at me in Italian. I stood to my feet quickly and listened to her as she insulted me. She nearly dragged me out by my ear, as Giorgio wasted no time following my mother to spectate the commotion.

She pushed me into the next room and there I saw Drew standing with the most uncomfortable look on her face. She did her best to avoid my gaze. I would have been embarrassed by my mother if I didn't have to face an angry Drew.

My mother made everyone leave the room, giving us the space that we needed to talk. I needed to get in front of this, so I would begin. I figured pointing out how selfish I was being was a good way to show Drew that I understand my faults.

"I'm-" I began

"Selfish." she finished for me, "Inconsiderate, controlling...."

Did she just say exactly what I was going to say? How the hell was I supposed to convince her if she was doing the work for me.

"You're lucky Gabi convinced me to stay." she threatened

I felt my heartbeat speed up immediately. She couldn't leave; not just for her protection, but because I needed her here. I was not used to feeling before. I felt hurt so instead of responding in a sensitive way, I put up my defenses.

When she asked Giorgio to take her to the payphone, I told him not to. It wasn't likely that she would escape, but she needed to be punished for hurting me. Taking away her phone privileges was the only thing that I could do.

After Giorgio defied me, she forcefully pushed past me to go to the other room. I glared at Giorgio, who in turn, shrugged his shoulders with a smirk. I scoffed at him for taking her side. He was my brother.

Once Gabi, Giorgio, and Drew left, I could feel myself becoming angry. My mother proceeded to yell at me even more, but I deliberately ignored her and went upstairs to my empty room. I slammed the door, upset because I did not know how to process these new feelings. I took deep breaths to stop myself from breaking something. I would give her some space and then I'd start all over if I had to.

When the girls came back to the house, they separated themselves from the group. I watched from afar as Drew didn't appear to even think of me. I didn't catch her staring, nor did I have the feeling that she was looking my way at all.

After a while, they went upstairs before coming back down. Their bodies were riddled with blankets, and it made me suspicious.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked

"We're going to chill outside." Gabi answered

I stared at them, but they ignored me and scurried along to the backyard. I watched as they laid out on the lounge chairs and appeared to converse normally. After realizing that they were in fact doing nothing, I went to watch television with my father.

After about 30 minutes, I could hear the sliding door open and my head perked up to see Gabi come in. Drew wasn't behind her so I assumed that she remained outside. Gabi quickly made her way through the sitting area and up the stairs. I figured she had to use the restroom.

Once I could tell it was getting dark and Gabi hadn't come from downstairs, I decided to check on Drew. When I looked outside the glass doors, I didn't see her on any of the lounge chairs. I slowly opened the door and walked casually outside just in case she could see me.

I did a 360 glance and could tell that she wasn't anyway to be found. I heard the sliding door open again and turned around to find Gabi.

"Where is Drew?" I asked immediately

"Gio...don't be mad."

"What did you do?" I began to advance towards her

She held her hands out and moved backwards until her back hit the glass.

"She wanted to see her brother." she said quietly

"What?" I breathed out

"She's gone..."

That feeling that I felt before was nothing compared to what I felt right now. The pangs in my chest made it hard to breathe. I was hoping that this was one of Gabi's stupid pranks she was playing, but I could see that she wasn't trying to hide a smile, instead her face was serious.

She was really gone. She actually left me.

I could see Gabi's lips moving, further explaining the situation, but I wasn't able to hear. My ears felt clogged like I was underwater. I moved past my sister without a word and headed in the direction of my room.

I knew I could find her. I could have her intercepted before she made it to Philadelphia. Or I could just show up at her brother's house. She needed to see that it wasn't going to be that easy to get away from me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was my father. I remained silent until he was ready to speak.

"Qualunque cosa tu stia pensando, non farlo." (Whatever you are thinking, do not do it.)


"No." he said quickly, "In life, there are consequences, Giovanni. You've gotten used to this world where you can do whatever you want. Drew is proof that you can't. Se è destinato ad essere, allora lo sarà. (If it is meant to be, then it will be.)

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