Chapter Five

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I could've gone to the police. It was self defense and I had Drew as a witness. Or I should've killed Drew, which I hate to say, I wouldn't have been able to do. I wasn't thinking straight. I couldn't blame the adrenaline, because I hadn't felt that rush in a long time. Killing was normal for me.

No, it wasn't the fighting or the shooting, it was her. She was the anomaly in this situation that had me all messed up. Maybe a part of me wanted her to know who I really was. But there was another part of me that knew if she tried to escape or tell anyone, I would have to kill her. This one I don't think I could do. I would have to order someone else to complete the task.

An even worse thing I had to think about was my brother. Not only what I did was reckless, he would confirm what he knew all along: I liked her. I was stressed just thinking about how he would tease me for something so stupid.

I was on autopilot as I sped through the Philadelphia streets while discussing a plan with Giorgio. He was giving me directions on how to get to a hotel. Once we arrived, I pulled up at the front entrance where the valet was ready to take my keys. I found a coat and covered my blood stained suit, then quickly exited.

I walked over to the passenger side and gently grabbed Drew by her arm to lead her into the hotel. She would hate me for this, but I needed to regroup. Once I approached the front desk, the receptionist was more than happy to assist me. I could tell by her blushing and stuttering that I had an effect on her.

Once we had keys, I led us to the elevator that would take us to the suite. Before the doors could close, Drew was already on the other side, standing as far away as possible. She saw me as a monster. And usually this would never bother me. I enjoyed it when people feared me. They respected me because of who I was and what I was capable of. But this was different.

I couldn't stand the look she was giving me. It was worse than the ones that she would give before. I knew she was going to try to run and I had to do everything in my power to stop her. If she were to escape, I would have no other choice than to.... No, it wouldn't come to that. I will just have to hold her hostage for awhile. Tell her what she wants to know and give her what she wants in order to feel safe and comfortable. That should keep her here.

I led her to the suite by gently grabbing onto her arm again. Once we were inside, I closed the drapes and checked the size and presence of the suite. It will do for now. Drew sat on the couch and watched my every move.

"Are you going to kill me now or later?" she asked

I sent Giorgio a message with the room number. I looked up at her and could tell she was frightened. I'd never seen her this way. She was always so brave and confident.

"If I were going to kill you, I would have done it already." I said to her

I noticed she looked uneasy and realize that it didn't sound as comforting as I imagined it would be. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I needed to understand that she was rightfully afraid and probably confused.

I walked over to the couch and sat on the far end to give her space. She had the right to know what was going on, but maybe I didn't need to tell her everything.

"I'm involved with illegal things that generate a lot of money and a lot of enemies." I explained

It wasn't much of an explanation but it was the truth. The details didn't exactly matter at this point. I knew that she would get more curious and ask more questions eventually. Until she did, I was going to be as vague as possible. I still didn't know if I could trust her.

There was a knock at the door and I didn't have to check to know that it was my brother. I opened the door to reveal Giorgio and three guards. Giorgio handed me a plastic bag full of clothes and I silently took it. I made my way to the bathroom while Giorgio watched Drew.

As I turned on the sink, I could only think about how amateur I was being. This entire situation was messy and I should've done a better job at containing the situation. I shook my head and decided to let it go as there was nothing I could do about it now. I used a face towel to wipe my face and then I changed out of the messy clothes.

Once I felt that I was as clean as I was going to get, I left the bathroom. The bedside phone caught my attention and I knew she would think to use it. I retrieved my blade and went over to cut the wire so that she could not contact the police or anyone else for that matter.

I pulled the bedroom door open in frustration and Drew ignored me as she gathered a plastic bag and went inside. As soon as she closed the door, my attention was on Giorgio. He sat on the couch, relaxed, with the widest grin on his face.

"Don't say it." I warned him

"I didn't say anything." he chuckled

"You were thinking it." I argued

"Giovanni, I didn't think anything." he was full out laughing now

"I'm going to kill you." I threatened

Giorgio was so tickled with himself. I stormed out of the suite before we began fighting. I needed to cool down; get my head straight. I never acted out based on emotions and this was not the time to start. I had a business to run and enemies to watch out for. If I wasn't careful, this girl would become a terrible distraction to my already hectic life.

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