Chapter Twenty

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2 Months Later

I was renting a three bedroom apartment in the city on a month to month lease because I wasn't sure when Drew and I would reconcile. We were barely talking and only conversed when it was about the kids. We worked out a steady schedule where we traded on custody every week. I was trying to give her the space she needed but I was getting worried about the time and the distance.

 I was trying to give her the space she needed but I was getting worried about the time and the distance

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I still get butterflies when she texts me, even if it's a simple message like this. She won't take my calls or answer any texts unless it concerns the kids, so I have to relish these moments.

Soon after responding, Giorgio called me; something new since I moved out. He likes to check on me and although I understand he is concerned, it always feels like rubbing salt into a wound. After a quick conversation with my brother, I began to leave for the trek back to my marital home.

When I arrived at the house, there was an unfamiliar car parked out front. I pulled in behind it with a look of confusion. When I got out of the car, I could tell that the front door was slightly ajar. I put my hand on my gun, ready to draw it. As I inched closer, I could hear Drew's laugh, which made me relax.

When I opened the door, her back was toward me as I saw her talking to a strange man. He seemed to be flirting with her and I couldn't tell whether or not she was flirting back.

"Maybe we could grab dinner-" the man offered

"What the hell is this?" I interrupted

Drew spun around quickly with a surprised look,

"Giovanni...." she whispered

"Who the hell are you?" I asked the man

"Giovanni, calm down." Drew instructed

I was beyond angry. Two months and she's dating as if she's not married? Was he around the kids? With every thought, I felt uncontrollable. I easily moved past Drew and grabbed the man by the shirt.

"If I ever catch you talking to my wife again, I'm going to kill you." I threatened

I could hear Drew in the background, but her words were foggy. I was seeing red and I was about to lose it.

"Giovanni, look at me baby." Drew's voice grew clear

She had her hand on my shoulder and with the combination of her sweet voice, it made me look at her. I released my hold on the man, turning my full attention to her.

"Your kids are upstairs and I'm right here." she reminded me

I placed my hands on her face as I stared deeply into her eyes. Then, I remembered our situation and removed my hands from her. She instead grabbed them and placed them back where they were.

"Donald," she spoke without taking her eyes off of me, "get the fuck out of here." she instructed

The man wasted no time running out the front door.

"I'm right here." she repeated

She then began breathing deeply in and out so I began to emulate her. Before long, I was completely calm.

"Who was that?" I asked her calmly

"Donald... he's been helping me with the kids."

I moved away from her.

"Helping you with the kids? That's my job." I wasn't hiding how pissed I was

"Well, you're not here." she shot back

"You told me to leave. All for you to betray me and begin dating. And he's been around my kids?"

"You're the last person to talk about betrayal."

"So this is you getting me back? You don't talk to me for two months and then you run and play house with someone else."

"You think I have the time and energy to be a single mom of four children and to date?"

"So what the fuck was that?"

"Don't talk to me like that." she demanded while getting in my face, "I'm a grown ass woman and I don't owe you shit."

"You're really starting to piss me off."

"Good!" she said while pointing her finger in my face

I swiftly moved her hand out of the way while grabbing her by the neck. Not to hurt her, I could never. She was shocked by my actions and just when I thought that she was going to strike me, she pulled my head closer to kiss me. It didn't take long for me to kiss her back.

God, I missed her lips. I missed her smell. I missed the touch of her skin. I missed her.

She pulled away abruptly and pushed me back in the process.

"I'm not letting you go." I said lowly, "You belong to me, Drew, as I belong to you. I am not signing any papers and I am not allowing you to date anyone else."

"I don't want to date anyone else, Giovanni." she blurted

"What do you want, Drew? I'll give it to you. Except for a divorce."

"I don't want a divorce." she said crying

"What do you want?"

"I want my family back, but I can't trust you."

"I'll do whatever it takes. I'll share my location, let you look through my phone, I'll never lie again."

"I shouldn't have to invade your privacy, Gio."

"What can I do? What can we do? I miss you and I miss being a family."

She thought for a moment before letting out a sigh.

"I want us to work. What happened two months ago was unacceptable, on both ends. I think we should try marriage counseling to see if we can fix this." she suggested



Marriage was a very private matter in my culture. The only person either party was allowed to consult with was a priest and even then, he was not to interfere too heavily. I did say I would do whatever and if counseling can help get us back together, then I was willing to try it.

"When do you want to start?" I asked


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