Chapter Six

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Drew was cooperative for at least a week before she got restless. As much as I wanted to keep her here to feed my ego, she was adamant about leaving.

My brother and I already had a talk about how badly I fucked up and how dragging her into this was a huge mistake. And we also discussed the possibility that her death would be necessary in order to maintain our discretion.

I didn't express to him that I wouldn't be able to do it. It would confirm his suspicions and there was nothing more that I hated than Giorgio being right.

"We are trusting that you value your life a lot more than seeking justice for Phil." I explained to Drew

In order to ensure that Drew kept her word, I had her followed. I also had a file assembled so that I could read up on her. It wouldn't tell me personality (which I already knew), but it would give me any background information that could be found in state registries.

While I spent a part of my time monitoring Drew, I spent the rest of my time defending my territory from the Irish. The O'Malleys weren't always enemies, in fact, there was an unspoken understanding that we would stay within our own territories. Things were running smoothly until a few months ago when James, the patriarch of the group, offered to partner up. When we refused, he tried taking over our territories. I wouldn't say it was a war, more like an annoying thorn in my side.

When I wasn't dealing with the O'Malley's and Drew, I was being bothered by Giselle with her constant calling. All she wanted to talk about was that stupid wedding. She was inviting all of Italy and I still hadn't bothered to talk to my mother about it.

"When am I going to meet your family?" she complained

I took a deep breath while holding the phone away from my mouth so she wouldn't hear.

"When do you think?" I asked

"As soon as possible." she stated

"This weekend. I'll send a plane."

I quickly got off of the phone. Even with Giorgio's help, I had way too much on my plate. I could care less about a wedding. If it were up to me, I would have married Giselle the same day I agreed to this plan so that I could acquire the canal.

My computer signaled a notification and I was grateful for a distraction. It was a message from Deacon, one of the men following Drew.

She met with someone at a bar, John Phillips.

I immediately called Deacon to receive more details. This was not someone who was a regular in Drew's life. This John person could be a cop and I needed details quickly.

"Is he a cop?" I asked without greeting him

"We were able to get all of his information from the credit card he used at the bar. His birthdate is-"

"Do you think I give a shit about the man's zodiac sign?" I growled, "Tell me what his occupation is."

"Yes, sir, sorry. It says here that he is a firefighter. He works at the same station as her brother. He's been employed there for awhile. Originally from New Jersey."

"Were you able to find out any information on why she met with him?" I asked impatiently

"I had a couple of guys sit at the bar and eavesdrop. They think they were on a date."

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