Chapter Seventeen

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Drew's POV

As Giovanni left out the door, the kids began firing off questions.

"I understand that you're concerned about dad, but he's just working."

"But he already went to work, mom." Olivia complained

"Liv, sometimes your dad and I will have to work after work."

"That doesn't make any sense." she retorted

I took a deep breath. My children required patience and I will show them grace. Before I could respond, I heard Giovanni's cell phone ring. I looked over to see it buzzing on the kitchen island.

"Let's get ready for bath time." Kristen said taking the kids upstairs

I reached for it and could see that it was his assistant calling so I answered it.

"Hey Cherise, Gio left his phone. I'm sure he'll be back any minute."

"Oh okay. Could you just tell him that Mr. Esposito rented out the entire restaurant."


"Yes, Giancarlo Esposito."

"Great, I'll tell him. And which restaurant are they meeting at again?"

"Antonio's on Maple Street."

"Oh right, I remember now. Thank you, Cherise."

I hung up the phone with shaky hands. I placed the phone back where I found it as I tried to gather my thoughts. Giovanni came back and stated that he forgot his phone. I didn't say anything as he quickly grabbed the phone while giving me a kiss on the cheek, then he was out the door again.

I found my way upstairs to where Kristen and the kids were. She was having a hard time with all four, so I offered to take two at a time. Once we were finished with bath time, we got them ready for bed.

"Well looks like they're out." Kristen noted

"Yeah... listen I know we said you could leave after this, but could I pay you extra to stay a little longer?"

"Yeah, of course. I don't have any plans tonight. I'm going to do some work."

"Great. I will be back as soon as I can."

Since Giovanni went legit, there was no need for the full staff of bodyguards that were typically posted around the house and following us around. However, since Giovanni has always been so paranoid, we kept a few on the payroll. They were here mainly to protect us at the house. They're presence became so normal, that I just noticed that a couple were missing. I'm sure they were tasked with protecting Giovanni while he went to dinner with the infamous Giancarlo.

I quickly jumped into one of the vehicles and drove the twenty five minute drive to Antonio's with my heart beating fast.

How could he lie to me? Why would he lie to me?


When I arrived at the restaurant, the lights were on, but it appeared to be empty. I had a couple of my men scope out that perimeter and they reported back that Giancarlo only had a couple of men present in front of the restaurant. Satisfied with this, I exited my truck and made my way to the entrance. My men followed behind me and I instructed them to wait outside.

When I entered the restaurant, it was completely empty, not even Giancarlo was present. The host greeted me and told me that we would be the only guests here. He led me to a booth near the window. I elected to sit facing the door since I had the privilege of choosing first.

The lights were low and there were candles in order to illuminate the setting. I glanced down at my watch for the time and scowled when I saw that Giancarlo was making me late.

The server came by and asked for my wine request, I declined. I wasn't expected to stay long and I didn't want to give off the message that I was open to any business deals.

I rubbed my eyes in fatigue and frustration before I heard high heels hitting the marble floors.

"Buonasera Giovanni."

Oh no.

I slowly looked up to see Giselle with a wide grin. She was wearing an emerald dress that was floor length, yet it had a very high slit.

"What are you doing here?" I asked not hiding my contempt

"My father sends his apologies." She eased into the booth

I should've known this wasn't going to go as I thought.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"I'm in the business now." She said proudly

"Good for you." I said sarcastically

"I thought you'd be happy." she started, "I don't need to go after you anymore when the empire is to be mine."

"I was happy before you arrived."

"Oh really? Happy? You gave up all that power to play father of the year. I know you're itching for something fun or you wouldn't have met with my father in the first place."

"That's not-"

"So this is the business dinner?" I heard Drew's voice from afar


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