Chapter Nine

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Okay, if I was going to do this, I would need to do it the right way. It was clear that my normal charm didn't work on her. I would have to do this the old fashioned way if she would even consider me.

I spent the next three weeks taking care of her and spoiling her. I booked her hair, nail and spa appointments. Women loved looking good, right? Taking her shopping was the best part. Watching her face as she indulged in luxurious brands. The fact that she expected me to let her pay was... cute. Giselle would have expected nothing less. She would've been bored by the collection of clothing and demanded to shop unreleased material. Drew was so grateful. Sure she complained about how much I did for her and that was annoying, but I had to understand that Drew never had anyone treat her like this.

After talking to her about her past, it was clear that she was in uncharted territory. She believed I wanted something from her. I mean I did want something from her, I just didn't know what yet. I did know that my intentions were pure.

I honestly never felt this way about any woman. I never had a girlfriend because I didn't need one. I was able to get any woman I wanted from the age of fourteen. Why would I limit myself to one woman?

The small kisses that we shared made my insides... giddy? Is giddy a thing that men feel? I never had to spend this much time impressing a woman and expecting nothing in return.

I was treating her like a housewife, except I was doing everything. Cooking for her. Buying things. Doing anything just to make her smile. We weren't even sleeping in the same bed, but here I was catering to her. Seeing her smile was enough.

Except now... she was quiet. Drew was never quiet. Not that I was complaining. I listened to every word she said, even when she was was purposely getting under my skin.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned

"Why would you think anything is wrong?" she asked

"You're quiet. And whenever you're quiet, you're thinking exceptionally hard."

"I'm bored."


"This." she said waving her hands

"What's wrong with this?" I asked offended

I had to remember to control my tone and emotions with her. Anything set me off, but she was the same way. Giorgio kept commenting on how much alike that we were. At first, I couldn't see it, but as I am learning about her, I am also learning about myself.

I stared into her brown orbs as she reasoned with me as to why she should be able to work. How could I possibly say no to her? She was even more beautiful when she tried to be gentle and soft. I had to agree or risk her being upset with me. Something I never cared about before, now, I realized would make my life more difficult.

I didn't want her working, but for my own selfish reasons. If she worked at the club, then I probably couldn't come "home" to her. I was, of course, concerned for her safety, but I knew Giorgio would take good care of her. The two were close and although it annoyed me most of the time, I trusted him with her.


Drew was only working at the club for a short amount of time when I received word that O'Malley's men had resumed their attempts to take over our territories. Drew frequently visited their side to get her hair done. The territory was more of a neutral ground and after the O'Malleys did not engage for a long time, I assumed she was safe.

I know for sure they're planning something to try to gain the advantage. The only thing I could do was either attack first or let them believe that we were vulnerable. I increased Drew's security and bothered her more than usual to ensure her safety. Giorgio knew what was going on and was the one that proposed that we should keep her in the dark. I made it a point to have my car pick up her up rather than having her own car. I needed to make sure there were no possibilities of interference with her transportation.

On this particular day, I knew that Drew would be running errands as Giorgio closed the club on Sundays. Giorgio and I were in the middle of strategizing and planning an attack on the O'Malleys. My phone rang and I knew it would be Drew.

I stepped away and answered immediately. I loved hearing her voice. It was almost as if I could see her facial expressions as I listened to her speak. After hanging up the phone, I returned to Giorgio.

"Was that your girlfriend?" Giorgio teased

I ignored him. I didn't know what Drew and I were. I'm sure she probably would want me to ask her as I usually assumed. But honestly, I didn't know what she was thinking. Did she even want to be with me?

After the discussion of the upcoming plan, I took some time to be alone in my office. I needed to think about what I wanted from this woman. She was on my mind when I was awake and I dreamt of her when I slept. The small kisses we shared lingered on my skin, making it hard for me to pull away.

My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. I immediately answered not knowing who it was.

"Giovanni.... you've been avoiding me." Giselle's voice rang out

I winced. All this time I spent with Drew, made me forget all about Giselle and Giancarlo.

"Giselle, what do you need?"

"A date. I need to know so I can send out save the dates, then invitations."

"Whatever date you want."

"Why don't you come to Italy so we can discuss in person?"

"Discuss what? I told you I didn't care."

"After that debacle with your family, I think we have a lot to discuss."

Giselle and I spent the next two hours arguing. She was threatening to not invite my family because she was embarrassed. Although I knew my family did not agree as to who I was marrying and why I was marrying her, they would not agree to missing the wedding. She threatened over and over again to call off the wedding, which I knew was bullshit, but if her father knew how upset she was, then he could possibly cancel the contract.

The call was interrupted by another caller. I saw that it was Drew and quickly rushed Giselle off of the phone.

"Hello?" I answered

"Someone is here and they're looking for me." she whispered

"Where are you?" I began moving quickly

"Under the bed in the master bedroom."

"There's a gun hidden under the mattress on your side of the bed. Find it and grab it." I instructed

After giving her quick instructions on how to use the gun, I practically ran out to the car. On the way, I yelled at Giorgio in Italian and he followed me. I wanted to stay on the phone with her the entire time, but I think she dropped it. Giorgio instructed the driver to get out of the car, as he made his way to the driver seat. I pulled my gun out from waist band and ensured that it was ready to shoot.

I was anxious for the short drive to the penthouse. I took deep breaths to control my breathing and emotions. I needed to think straight if I was going to make sure she made it out alive.

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