1: outed

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Reki sat in the pew at his church. He lived in a very small Christan town. Everyone went to the same school. Everyone knew eachother. Nothing ever changed.

Until today.

He heard the whispers of the people around him. All eyes where on him. The harsh murmurs were all directed at him.

His friend had outed him as gay. The friend he thought he could trust not to tell anyone. The friend he spent months contemplating and planning how he would tell him.

Rumors spread fast in a small town. Reki had been called more slurs behind his back today than he had ever been called in his whole life.

And as the homily started all eyes turned to him again. Glaring, staring, piercing eyes. The priest was talking about the sin of homosexuality.

He felt his eyes blur with tears. His mother was completely oblivious and was listening intently. He pushed himself out of the pew, leaving hurriedly for the bathroom.

His heart was racing and his whole body was shaking. He heard someone call him a fag as he walked to the back of the church.

Rumors spread too fast in a small Christian town.

He tucked into the small bathroom and then into one of the two stalls. Trying to control his crying as it shifted into sobs. He threw his head back into the wall the stall was attached to repeatedly, hoping that maybe, it would kill him. He would rather be dead than be who he was at this rate.

He would rather be dead than be the faggot that everyone hated.

He heard the door to the restroom creak open and tried to stifle his sobs. The two men's conversation was hushed.

"I'm sorry- my family just really wanted to meet you and-"

"This is why I don't go to church. Especially not in this town."

"Kaoru, I'm sorry. This place is dumb."

"Yeah no shit Kojiro this shit hole town is so f- is there someone else in here?"

Reki couldn't control it, he let out a sob. His knees were hugged to his chest against his dark red vest he was wearing, his head was down, and his hands were in his hair.

"Hello?" One of the men said, "are you okay kid?"

Reki just sobbed harder. Violently. It hurt his chest.

"What's wrong?" The other man asked.

"Just call me a slur like everyone else and leave me alone." He stammered.

Cherry and Joe looked at eachother, "are you the kid the whole town has been going on about?" Joe asked, his voice was none threatening.

"Apparently." Reki answered, still crying.

"We aren't gonna call you a slur. We aren't going to be rude. I'm not straight either and this town is one hell of a place to live in when you aren't the usual." Joe said.

"I would rather die than be gay. How do I make it go away?" He asked, crying harder, "I don't wanna be this way." He felt like he couldn't breath.

Joe and Cherry looked to eachother, "can you come out of the stall? You don't sound too good."

Reki stood up shakily and opened the stall to see two concerned men staring at his red puffy, tearstained face.

"I feel like I can't breathe." He said as he let out another sob. His shoulders were tense. He looked like he could collapse to the ground right then and there.

Renga Fluff But I Hit You In The Head With The Skateboard Of AngstWhere stories live. Discover now