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((TRIGGER WARNING: sexual assault, mention of rape))

Reki went home that night and was beaten raw. Wounds over wounds over wounds. His dad relentlessly hit him and hit him, calling him a, "dirty fag" telling him he needed to, "repent or go to hell for all I care."

To his awe his bandages stayed hidden, the whipped lines began to heal.

He then went to school the next day, not in the best mood. His whole body ached severely. He alternated Tylenol and Advil as frequently as possible.

He was failing almost every class. Langa could tell Reki was struggling severely. He was sluggish and upset.

During one class, Reki began to hyperventilate, wheeze, feeling like his heart was in his throat as he thought of how his dad would react once he saw his report card. He excused himself to the bathroom, but found someone following him.

He noticed and walked a little faster, as fast as he was physically able, trying to lose him. He made a sharp turn into a hallway to go into the less used men's restroom. But the boy, the one who used to be his best friend, followed him in.

Reki groaned, "c'mon man just fucking leave me alone." He said weakly, turning around, but not meeting his eyes.

But he just kept walking towards him. Reki backed up until he was at the wall, tensing, waiting for a punch or a kick.

Instead the boy held him up against the wall and pressed their lips together.

Reki's eyes went wide and glossy as  tried to shove him off with shaky hands, but the beating and healing wounds left him weaker than ever before. His old best friend was strong, holding him against the wall with unwavering strength.

An arm wrapped it's way around Reki's side and down to touch his butt. He was pulled even closer.

He felt their stomachs touch, then below. There were tears in his eyes as he tried to squirm out of his reach. Tried to throw a strong enough punch.

The boy broke off, Reki was in tears, "stop, stop please stop. What the hell are you doing?" He cried as he was still held against the wall.

"I've liked you for so long, Reki." The boy said, a hand still on his ass "and then you fucking came out when you knew it wouldn't go well. You ruined everything because now I have to hate you, but I want you. You're so much weaker than the last time we were close."

Reki was shaking, he just shook his head, "let me go! what the fuck!? Stop touching me!" He cried, trying to escape, "at the beginning of all this you punched me so hard in the nose that I had to go to the hospital and now you're- you're-" Reki faltered as the boy stared piercingly into his eyes.

He didn't like where this was going, or even where this started. This is not how he wanted his first kiss to go. He'd imagined it would be with someone he loved. A boy he loved.

Someone like Langa. He wanted something consensual. Something genuine. Something loving and caring, not this.

He absolutely did not want this. His eyes were glossy as he tried to squirm out of the boy's hold.

Instead, the boy squeezed them closer together, stepping on his feet so he couldn't get away. Reki could only feel his hands holding him there and feeling him. Everywhere. Stomach, ass, groin. It was violating.

Reki let out a sob, trying to get away the whole time.

"Don't you want this too? Don't you want a guy to make out with, to have sex with?" He questioned, "it's like you're asking for this. You want this."

Renga Fluff But I Hit You In The Head With The Skateboard Of AngstWhere stories live. Discover now