19: Oka's skate shop (pure fluff chapter for you losers)

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Later that's evening, after a potential car makeout session and a drive around town to get Reki's old equipment to his house, Reki went back out on his skateboard to pickup the foot hooks from the local skate shop.

He loved the cool night air and the wind in his hair. He knew he would never ever get enough of that feeling. It was freeing.

He came to a stop and kicked up his skateboard as he stepped into the sidewalk in front of the shop. He pushed open the glass plated door and heard a small bell sound, then the yip of some animal from behind a wall.

The door shut behind him, leaving him with one last breath of the cool night air.

"One second!" Someone yelled from the back, the voice was familiar.

Reki looked around for the hooks, but didn't see them on display. However, he saw so many other amazing things he used to have.

Rain wheels, rough terrain wheels, special grip, wax, all the stuff he'd lost or sold. He decided to use some of what little money he'd bought to get rain wheels.

He loved the rain, so why not safely skateboard in it?

As he was examining other merchandise, the familiar voice carried from behind the counter, calling his name.


Reki whipped his head around to see a smiling Oka. He smiled back, "Oka? I didn't know you worked here too!"

"I actually own the shop." He explained, "teacher by day, skate shop owner by night. Pretty cool yeah? Anyways, what can I do for you?"

"Oh, right. I actually am looking for something your online store said you sell. The foot hooks?" Reki questioned, "I don't see them."

"Oh the foot hooks, they're made by order. I can get you a pair though, usually we mold to the shape of the foot, so we can just do that right now if you'd like." Oka said, looking up expectantly.

"Oh, they're actually for a friend." Reki said, red hot blush spread across his face as he remembered that they were officially dating.

"Just a friend eh?" Oka pushed, seeing Reki's flustered face.

"W-well we uh." Reki said, smiling without realizing it, "we just started dating. Today."

Oka gasped dramatically, "my son. He's all grown up." He said, pretending to wipe a tear as his other hand held his heart.

Reki laughed, "yeah. Im- he's amazing. He used to be a snowboarder. like really good training for Olympics snowboarder but he moved here so now I'm tryna teach him the ways of the skateboard. He can't figure out the keeping your feet on the board thing cause snowboards are attached to your feet. So I'm hoping this will help."

"That's amazing- why did he move here of all places?" Oka asked.

"His mom was born here and his dad passed. So his mom moved closer to her parents for extra support. But they're doing well here as far as I can tell." Reki said somberly.

Oka nodded respectfully, then quickly went back to the silly subject of boyfriends.

"Soooo does he go to our school?" He said with a sly grin.

"No." Reki said with a pained smile, "I wish. He lives across town now."

"Ah. Well I have to meet him because I have to fit the hooks to his foot soooo." Oka said with a shrug, then randomly switched subjects "you know if you're looking for a job I really need more afternoon employees."

"Actually I'll consider it." Reki said with a grin, "you have applications?" He asked.

Oka popped under the desk, and came back up with a paper, happily handing it to Reki.

Renga Fluff But I Hit You In The Head With The Skateboard Of AngstWhere stories live. Discover now