15: hospitalized

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Reki later found out that he'd woken up at 5am. Seized around 6am.

Langa and his mom came to visit around 4pm, being alerted that he'd waken up only an hour before they arrived. The hospital and was quite for away.

Reki had asked about them. He didn't know the hospital and police were in direct contact with them, he didn't even know that they had saved him. He had very little memory of during the overdose. Mostly the beginnings. He had no clue his heart had ever even stopped.

But then he heard a knock at the door of his hospital room, and two familiar blue haired people walked in the room.

Reki's jaw dropped as he saw the folded piece of paper in Langa's hand. He instantly knew what it was.

Langa walked over to Reki and sat on his bed. He had no idea where to even start.

But Langa spoke up first.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

Reki's eyes went wide, his face went red, the suicide note serving as a motive for this question. A spark of happy, shocked adrenaline shot through him as he nodded.

Langa scooted closer, bringing his hand up to the side of Reki's head. Then they're lips touched. It was a soft moment. They rested there, faces joined in an innocent kiss. Finally.

They sat there for a while. They're proximity conveyed so many feelings. In that moment they exchanged many words neither of them knew how to say.

Through the kiss there were I'm sorry's and I missed you's.

There we're I was terrified I was going to lose you's and never fucking do that again's.

There were I love you's and frustration felt crystal clear.

There was passion and pain.

Langa pulled away when he felt Reki's tears dripping onto his arms and hands.

"Langa, I'm so sorry." He sobbed. Langa swept the hair from Reki's eyes and cupped his face in his hands, using his thumbs as windshield wipers for Reki's tears, but soon he was crying too.

Reki pulled Langa into a tight hug. They were together at last. They were together and there was an unspoken promise that they would never leave eachother again.

Langa pulled out of the hug and smiled at Reki, "you idiot you really thought you could leave me here all alone." He cried with a laugh, trying to stop his tears.

"I just don't know what to do anymore." Reki said with a sniffle, laughing genuinely at Langa's comment as his mood sank again.

He heald his wrists, rubbing them as he continued, "I sold all my stuff. I didn't think I was gonna live through this and now everything is just gonna go back to the way it was-" he sobbed. He squeezed his heavily bandaged wrists, caving in on himself.

He felt like he couldn't breathe. He was crying so hard.

Langa grabbed his hands and pulled Reki into a hug. He melted into it, allowing himself to be comforted. Langa's loving, genuine touch felt like heaven. Everytime they interacted a small part of him healed in some way.

He found himself focusing only on the boy's arms around him, holding on tight.

Eventually, Reki was just laying limply in Langa's arms, hiccuping.

"So what comes next?" Langa asked after a little while.

Reki shook his head, "I don't know."

Reki spent another week in the hospital, then another three in a psych ward. The first week was okay, mostly still healing from the trauma his brain had gone from the overdose. He slowly began to feel the affects of his poor mental health again. He couldn't eat, he couldn't stay asleep, he began getting pretty frequent nightmares.

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