21: escaping

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Later that day, Reki went over to Langa's house to watch a movie. He dropped the news about his sister's statuses as "missing." And discussed family for a while.

It was a somber conversation full of remembering. At one point both of the boys were in tears. But they hugged eachother, providing support through it.

They finished the movie, cuddling and munching on snacks, both feeling the weight of the world. But they bore the weight together, so I didn't feel quite as heavy as usual.

And the shared weight made them happy and hopeful.

"You know who we haven't talked to in a while?" Langa asked.


"Miya, Joe, Cherry, all them. We should try and do something all together." Langa suggested.

"Oh yeah that sounds fun! S is actually closer to here than it is to our old town. We should head down tonight! I can ask Cindy and Bill if I can stay the night? They wanna meet you by the way." Reki rambled.

"You think they'll let you stay?" Langa asked.

"Yeah, probably. They're chill." Reki answered, a satisfied look resting on his features.

"What time did you wanna head there?" Langa asked, steering the conversation elsewhere. Reki seemed lost in thought for a second before answering.

Langa held in a frown. He knew Reki had a ton on his mind, more than he could even imagine. He couldn't fathom what it was like living on the edge of hope and despair. (Danganronpa fans stay away)

"Probably 11:30? We should let the gang know we're going!" Reki said excitedly. He loved to race.

"Sounds like a plan!" Langa said, and they got in contact with Joe and Cherry.

Cherry, Joe, Miya, Langa, Shadow, Reki
Sk8r bois:

Reki: hey ! Haven't used this chat in a while.

Langa: we're going down to S tonight, anyone else gonna be there

Cherry: yeah I'll be there.

Joe: me too!

Shadow: got a big beef tonight 😜

Miya: loser

Miya: yep I'll be there

Reki: awesome!

Langa: dude! We're getting the band back together!

Reki: cringe‼️

Cherry: 😨

Joe: 😨

Miya: renga fued!?

Shadow: what?

Cherry: excuse me?

Joe: did you just give them a ship name-

Reki: ship sailed

Langa: (photo)


Cherry: I never thought this day would come

Miya: fucking FINALLY


Reki: we're 17.

Shadow: they grow up so fast
Shadow: next thing you tell me miyas 11!

Miya: I am fourteen.

Shadow: 😨😨😨😨😨😨

Renga Fluff But I Hit You In The Head With The Skateboard Of AngstWhere stories live. Discover now