8: surgery

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When Reki woke up, he was loopy. Very very loopy. His mom wasn't in the room, the spinning room. Everything was spinning. He had already woken up a couple of times and gone back under as the medicine started to wear off.

A nurse walked by, and seeing him slightly awake came over, "hey!" She said.

He tried to look at her face, but couldn't really focus much.

"How do you feel?" She asked, "any pain?"

Reki shook his head, "spinny"

"Dizzy?" She asked, Reki managed a nod before passing out again.

When he woke up, he knew he was awake for good. He felt nauseous, the room was spinning. He was fully aware. He reached down to lightly feel where the surgery had been.

It hurt.

His mom still wasn't in the room. When a nurse came by, he immediately said he felt sick. She handed him a blue bag, he took it and leaned back shakily.

She asked him a few questions, what his favorite color was, how old he was, his favorite animal, but he started to notice the questions shifting slightly. They got more personal.

"How is your family?" She asked. He shrugged, "it's fine."

"Has school been going well?" She asked. "Yeah." He answered shortly. She nodded, "what are your friends like?"

He felt his heart skip a beat at the question, remembering everything. It hit him like a truck, he had to fight any reaction. He leaned forward slightly, feeling sick. He heald the blue bag in front of him, close to his mouth.

The nurse went to rub his back, but he scooted away, he didn't want to be touched.

A second later he gagged, holding the small blue bag to his mouth as he choked up the little that was in his stomach. He he gagged again, the last of what was there coming up into the bag.

He shuddered and sat back up. Holding the bag away from him slightly, his hand shaking. The nurse took it and came back with a cup of water.

He took sips. He wasn't up for talking. He was thinking about how to find a job. He knew his mom was gonna make him pay this off. Where could he possibly work that was close? That would hire him?

He felt like he was gonna cry thinking about it. He didn't know what to do. He absentmindedly rubbed the bruise that sat on the base of his neck from when his dad had shoved and choked him against the wall.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and jerked around, his whole body tense as he stared at the startled nurse.

"Mr. Kyan.. you weren't responding when I called your name, are you alright?" She asked, her face was knotted with concern.

Reki seemed stuck, like he wasn't able to respond. He couldn't get any words out. The fact that he couldn't find the words or the thoughts to explain, made him panic.

He couldnt think.

"Mr kyan?" The nurse asked, "why don't you take a sip of water, you're okay."

Reki opened his mouth only to close it again, "I need a job." He said, "but nowhere will hire me."

She looked at him strangely, thinking about how out of the blue it was, but she figured if he wanted to talk about it, they should.

"Why not? How many places have turned you down?" She asked.

"None yet. But they will." Reki said, "I can't pay off the hospital bills. And no one is gonna hire me." He said, he was distressed.

"Well you don't know unless you try!" She said optimistically.

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