2: meet the new kid

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Reki woke up the next morning, his alarm clock blaring, the sock on his wrist was colored with blood in several spots.

He shuddered to himself as he peeled the sock off his hand and got dressed. He felt horrible inside. He was scared to go to school.

Kids were gonna talk about him, alot. He was a fairly popular guy, he got along with alot of people. He never thought that having a lot of friends would backfire on him.

Having popular friends made the news spread like wildfire.

Everyone knew.

This was Reki's reality as he walked into school, picking up his skateboard and walking on campus. He wasn't going to push his luck.

He was the "bad guy" to everyone in this town.

He heard someone yell a slur at him. He tried not to react, but it was hard.

It was really damn hard.

A few other people joined in and started yelling slurs at him, cursing him out, calling him a mistake, a waste of space, asking him why he hadn't just killed himself yet.

He couldn't help but react with a sour face as they followed him to his class.

Reki walked into his classroom and turned to the kids who were about to follow him in, "last time I checked none of you were in my class. We aren't allowed to go in eachothers classrooms-"

"Woah he talks." One of them interupted with a laugh. His friendgroup laughed with him.

Reki slammed the classroom door in their faces. His teacher immediately snapped at him, "MR. KYAN. ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN MY CLASSROOM DOOR."

"No sir." He said quietly. His teacher wasn't going to openly demean him, but he could tell he was irritated just by his presence. He was the only on in the classroom at this point.

"Then open up the damn door." The teacher said harshly. Reki opened the door and went to his seat. The kids continued to ridicule him from the door.

As more kids filtered into the class, more attention was on him. Harsh whispers. Someone walked up to him, Reki looked up.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

The kid grabbed him by his shirt collar and shoved him off the chair, forcing him down to the ground.

"What the-"

The kid shoved his notebook, phone, and threw his backpack on top of him.

"This is my seat now, queer." The kid said. Reki furrowed his eyebrows in anger, "what does being gay have to do with my sea-" Reki started as he started to get up, but was interupted as the kid knocked him back down.

He looked to the teacher, who was simply watching and doing nothing. Kids were snickering around him.

"Go sit in the back. No one wants to look at some homo." The kid next to his old desk said.

Reki stayed silent and grabbed his things, sitting down in the empty back row.

Class started and things went on as normal until a few minutes in, the door creaked open, and a blue haired boy peeked his head into the door.

And oh. My. God.

Reki was in love. He felt his face go hot as the boy introduced himself as Langa Hasegawa, the new kid from Canada.

He shifted his skateboard side to side underneath his desk as the teacher instructed the boy to sit somewhere in the back row.

And as he made his way back he heard people telling him. Whispering to him.

Renga Fluff But I Hit You In The Head With The Skateboard Of AngstWhere stories live. Discover now