3: joe mama

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Reki shifted in the back seat of the car, coughing as he felt blood fall from his nose. He didn't open his eyes, he was too dizzy.

"Kid? You awake?" Joe asked.

Reki groaned. He was very in and out of consciousness. Joe pulled into the urgent care and carried him in.

It was fairly empty.

They were the ones with the worst injuries there. They would get help first. Joe felt Reki go completely limp again in his arms.

"Hey, we need help. He's lost a ton of blood, he's been bleeding this heavy for like 15ish minutes now." Joe said, walking up to the counter.

The receptionist looked up slowly, only using her eyes, and her face grimaced in disgust.

"Yeah so we actually can't treat that here." She said slowly, "you'll have to drive to the big hospital."

"He's literally been unconscious for several minutes! It takes 40 minutes to get there, you can't do anything?" Joe asked.

The receptionist shook her head coldly.

Joe stormed out of that place, placed Reki in the backseat, and slammed on the gas, trying his best not to push the speed limits too much.

Reki woke up as Joe was cursing at a light, "bro I am so dizzy." He said, "did I pass out?"

"Hey kid. Don't move too much. You passed out a couple times. We are on the way to the hospital." Joe said as the light turned green.

"Why can't we just go to the urgent care?" Reki groaned.

"They denied us help." Joe said shortly.

"Because I'm gay?" He asked.

"They didn't say that. But that was the reason." Joe said quietly.

"Oh god." Reki said shakily as he gagged into his elbow. there was so much blood in places it wasn't supposed to be. Joe pulled off to the shoulder of the highway quickly and pulled Reki out of the car.

Reki leaned over and threw up on the side of the road, being held up mostly by Joe. A mix of blood and bile splat onto the pavement.

The man sat him down on the floor of the car and let him vomit into the road. Reki wiped blood from his chin, "I'm so dizzy."

He felt himself gag again, he leaned over and coughed, dry heaving as his stomach tried to force blood up his throat.

He gagged again as blood dripped from his mouth. Joe rubbed his back, watching carefully as a police car from another county pulled over to them and stepped out of the car.

Reki grabbed Joe's sleeve nervously as the officer walked over.

"Is everything alright here-?" He said, cutting his sentence short as he saw Reki with blood dripping from his nose and his mouth.

"Woah, what happened? Did you all wreck?" He asked, he seemed to be a kind man.

"No no. We didn't wreck, we are on our way to the hospital. Kid broke his nose real bad, but it's 40 minutes away from where we are." Joe said.

"Don't you all have an urgent care you could've gone to?" The officer asked.

"They denied us service." Joe said shortly, "he's been bleeding this heavy for like 20 minutes now."

"Let me drive you there. We need to get this kiddo some help." The officer said kindly.

"Alright. Will you be able to drive me back to my car?" Joe asked.

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