11: seventeen.

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(TRIGGER WARNING: rape. No Smut)

Reki went home that night with Shadow's phone number, and the promise of a check in call with Cherry and Joe every once in a while.

He woke up the next morning, his seventeenth birthday, to a knock on his window. It was early still, around 5, only 2 hours after Reki had gotten home from S.

He looked over groggily to see who it was. His eyes went wide and his stomach dropped as he saw the boy lifting his window.

He threw himself out of his covers, wearing no shirt and basketball shorts, and pushed the ledge of the window down. His unbandaged, deeply scabbed and bruised wounds, were on full display. His wrists were wrapped tightly.

The sun was barely above the horizon as he struggled to keep the window down.

"No shirt? It's like you're asking for it." The boy said, his voice carrying through the crack in the window, seemingly ignoring the eye-catching injuries all over his torso.

"No!" Reki said, putting more force into the window, "my parents are home you can't do this even if you wanted to." He lied.

"Bullshit, their car isn't here. Your dad probably went out drinking and your mom went to look for him." The boy said, "you act like I didn't know you before everyone found out you're gay."

"You're the reason! Everyone knows!" Reki yelled, "it's your fault! I fucking trusted you and you ruined it you ruined my whole fucking life. You don't understand how shit everything is." Reki ranted, tears in his eyes as his strength gave out and the boy pushed himself into the room.

"Hm. I'm sure I don't, your parents are abusive and I'm sure with the whole town knowing you're gay it couldn't have gotten much better." The boy said, advancing towards him. Reki kept backing away, shaking his head.

"I don't want to do this." Reki said, "I really don't want to!" He said as the boy once again pushed him against the wall.

"NO!" Reki yelled, managing to push the boy away slightly. But he didn't get far enough before the boy tackled him to the ground. It left every part of his body aching in pain. The boy didn't care, he kept going.

Touching. Kissing.

"Stop fighting back." The boy said as he played with the rim of Reki's shorts. Reki turned is head away the second their lips weren't connected. He tucked his lips in his mouth, trying to make himself unkissable.

The boy sat on Reki's scarring stomach, leaving him unable to get up, and began to speak.

"You know how long I liked you, Reki?" The boy asked, his eyes almost teary.

"I liked you for so long before you came out and I hated myself for so long because I thought no one in this town would ever love me because I liked guys. But I thought I would have some hope someday that maybe you would accept me and you would love me back maybe. And then you came out," he said, a tear finally dripping down his cheek, landing on Reki's stomach.

Reki looked confused, and extremely nervous as he felt the boy shifting on top of him. Hard.

"You came out and I knew people would treat us like shit. And I didn't want it to be me. And now I see that everyone in this town hates you. I hate you." He said angrily, "I hate you for what you did but I just-"

"What do you-" Reki started, but then the boy shoved into his mouth. He could feel his tongue, and then his hands were everywhere else. And soon his pants were pulled off.

Reki screamed through the kiss, tears streaming steadily down his cheeks as the boy held his body close.

The inevitable happened. Halfway through he'd been dragged to his bed. Forced to feel things he never wanted to feel with that boy. With his former best friend. Someone he used to trust. Someone he used to feel safe with.

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