6: something wrong

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(writing this exactly 6 minutes before a chemistry test)

(I did bad on my chemistry test I think)


(Going to therapy in 10 minutes)

Reki woke up the next morning in the bathtub, the side of his face had the new sticky print of his towel on it. There was dried blood matted on his face.

He was hungry and yet nauseous at the same time, his stomach churning with anxiety.

He heard a crash in the other room. It was a bad time for his dad to come home from wherever he left to all the time.

His stomach did a flip as something banged against his bedroom door. "Reki open your damn door." His mother said.

It was muffled from his bathroom, but he knew if he didn't answer he would get in more trouble. So he unlocked the bathroom door and went to greet his mom, unaware that there was still dried blood on his face.

He opened the door. She looked unhappy. He didn't know why.

"Well? Are you ready to go?" She snapped.

"What?" Reki asked cluelessly, quickly looking at his watch and seeing that he was supposed to leave for school 5 minutes ago, "shoot uh-"

His mom huffed angrily, "you're getting yourself to school." And slammed the door in his face.

He said nothing, his heart racing with unsettled nerves as he pulled on clothes.

He ran out the door and hopped on his skateboard, not bothering to even brush his teeth.

And boy did it feel good to skate again. To have the wind slapping his face and tangling up his hair.

He loved it.

He let himself get absorbed in the speed as he made his way to school. A soft smile left on his face as he hopped off in front of his school gates.

A smile that was immediately vanished as someone pushed him to the ground, laughing at him. Kicking him down Everytime he tried to get back up.

He reached for his skateboard but someone took it from him, their friends laughing with them as they placed it on the ground and snapped it in half.

They threw the two pieces at Reki, who was sitting, momentarily frozen. With tears in his eyes at the loss of the one thing holding him together, the one thing he was hoping for, he grabbed the kid by their collar and punched them in the face.

His brain was clouded with anger and tears were flowing down his face as his hands slipped off the person's collar and he was dragged away by another student.

Soon Reki was taking the hits and sobbing, hugging his splintering skateboard to his chest. He didn't want to fight back anymore.

And soon the fighting ceased, they wandered away as someone else came near. He couldn't stop sobbing.

Langa sat down next to him, pulling him closer to the wall of the school so he was out of the pathway.

Reki buried his head in his knees, sobbing uncontrollably. Langa rubbed his back, "shhh you're okay. People are mean."

Reki turned his head towards Langa a bit, "you don't wanna be seen with me." It hurt him to say it, "go away."

Langa faltered, he didn't want to leave Reki.

"Langa people are gonna figure it out. Go away " reki said, it came out harsher than he meant. Langa stood up quietly, "I'll talk to you later." He said.

Renga Fluff But I Hit You In The Head With The Skateboard Of AngstWhere stories live. Discover now