18: moving boxes

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A month after Reki got out of the mental hospital, Langa and his mom finally sold their house and began to pack up their things.

There were moving boxes everywhere and a truck waiting to load them up outside.

Soon enough they had driven themselves and all their stuff forth minutes away, closer to the big city. Closer to his mom's new, well paying job. Closer to Reki. Closer to hope. Closer to a better life.

During the month Reki had been gone, there has been countless FaceTimes. However, Langa had one surprise for Reki.

He'd learned sufficient skateboarding with Miya. Shadow had transferred to a better paying job at a school in another district. Joe and Cherry had gone to stay at Cherry's condo in the city, where they lived before they met Reki.

Initially Cherry had only been visiting Joe's family in town, Joe's family had an extra house in the town where they had been staying to make sure Reki was alright while the wave of rumors was at its peak. He was glad he had.

It was a lot of gas to get from there to work and back everyday, but it was worth it for the days Reki had needed him.

Langa hated to leave Miya in the town alone, especially while he was in between his mom and dad's house so much. Niether of his parents were great, but niether were awful. But Miya could manage on his own. He seemed to like it that way sometimes.

But finally Langa was getting out of that town. He already knew that he and Reki we're across town from eachother and going to different schools, but it was nothing a short drive couldn't fix.

Another surprise Langa had for Reki was his Japanese drivers licence and access to his mom's car since her commute to work was easiest by train. They would be able to visit eachother.

And skate together.

Langa was thrilled.

The two were finally on a healthier path. Maybe even better enough to finally start dating.

The next week Reki and Langa met up at a skatepark 15 minutes in between each of their houses. Cindy and Bill at bought Reki a skateboard from a nearby skate shop after learning he'd sold his old one.

Once they saw eachother they ran up to eachother and hugged so tightly. They didn't let go for what seemed like hours, but really it was just a couple minutes of yearned hugging.

"I missed you." Reki choked out.

Langa smiled, "I missed you too."

Reki hesitated for a moment, making a decision.

"Can I kiss you?" The redhead asked.

Langa pushed his lips into Reki's and they nearly broke the kiss from how much they were both grinning.

Their noses touched, their faces fit together just right. Langa held Reki's shoulders as they pressed deeper into the kiss. Deeper than they'd gone that day at the hospital.

The beginning of something deeper before Reki pulled back breathlessly. Langa sucked in a deep breath, trying to let it out slowly as to not let out all his breath onto Reki's face. They were still close.

Langa was grinning uncontrollably as Reki took a step back from him, almost giddy.

"Wow. That was great." Langa said, "I never imagined we could actually- like actually happily be together but it's actually possible and- and Reki you seem so much happier." Langa said, joy seeping from every single pore of his body. Pure joy for Reki.

"Yeah. Langa- I really-" he was choking up at finally meeting his best friend again, "I'm so much happier. I missed you so much." He sniffled, trying to wipe the tears out of his eyes, "you make me so happy."

Renga Fluff But I Hit You In The Head With The Skateboard Of AngstWhere stories live. Discover now