Twenty Six: There for me

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"He's gone isn't he.." Miles' father said with a stone expression but his eyes filled with worry. "Ya... He got shot in the stomach.. I'll spare you the gory details." I replied. "I knew the dangers of having him in this life but it's still painful and also he was my only heir." Miles' father said, looking at his feet. "I'm sorry.. Keep in mind you can always ask the Franzeses for anything." I smile sympathetically.

"Thank you Atom, Miles was lucky to have you." Miles' father smiled at me. "He was lucky to have you also, he really looked up to you." I said to him. "I have to go finish my job but you have my number if you need something." I say before starting to walk away. "I'll see you later." He said. "See you later." I reply before I walk away.

I help round everyone up and get people to the location. "Hey." I walk up to Kara. "So you're with the Mafia?" She asks fiddling with her hands. "It's a long story..." I sigh.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone though I mean you can tell the police a mafia saved you guys but not who I am or that you know I'm alive." I add. "You know I won't tell a soul.. Thank you for saving me and everyone." Kara says with a smile.

"Of course." I smile reassuringly. "You should genuinely express yourself more." Kara said, showing me a bright smile."What's the point of Emotions? They just get in my way." I ask while playing with my hair. A second of silence was all I needed to tell me that she understood.

"I'll miss you." I sigh. "I'm guessing I'm not gonna be able to see you again?" Kara said while looking at the ground. "Most likely not.." I look down. "Well I guess this is goodbye then.." Kara hesitates. "I love you." I hugged her. "I love you too A.B.." She hugs me tighter.

I hear sirens in the distance and then I look around seeing everyone in position. "That's my cue." I pull away. "See you in hell." I laugh while starting to walk away. "See you when we claim our thrones!" She says back. I smile to myself and then run to the black SUV and get into the front passenger seat. We immediately take off and catch up to the other vehicles before we all split up.

"You ok?" Angelo asks me. "Ya." I sigh looking out of my window. "I'll take you home." Angelo said using a tone that was telling me a silent 'everything will be ok'. I nod and look out at the lights and palm trees that filled the area.

I wasn't allowed out much but when I was I tried to absorb as much of the scenery as I could. The sky was getting slightly lighter due to it being almost two in the morning and the city lighting the sky up. Luckily for once there wasn't horrible traffic even though it's a known fact that Los Angeles has the WORST traffic.

We finally pulled up to the woods about a block away from my father and his gang's mansion. "Hey Atom." Angelo said as I opened the vehicle door. "Ya?" I ask, grabbing the burner phone I was using tonight. "Good job." He said with a smile. "Yup totally, my boyfriend died and Nonnos hurt." I roll my eyes.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes. "Just take the compliment and go before you get caught." Angelo says before handing me a blue raspberry lollipop. "Really?" I laugh. "Oh come on I know they're your favorite." He nudges me. "Thanks." I smile back at him then get out of the car. "I'll message you when he wakes up and I'll pick you up later around Eight PM." Angelo says before I shut the door.

After I shut the door I had Kad scan the woods and then started walking in the woods. Angelo took off and I tried my best to remember my way back. I took a deep breath and then had Kad temporarily disable security. I climbed up a tree and then parkored to the top of the fence. I ran to the house and then went through the back door then turned the security back on.

I went to the kitchen quickly and opened the fridge to grab a drink. I heard someone come into the kitchen and saw Hiro walk in rubbing his face. It was very noticeable he had just woken up. We both stopped and made eye contact. "....". "....". We both nodded to each other and carried on to what we were doing.

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