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Chapter 1: Evangeline

The deer's ears perked up as it drank from the near by river. It's neck exposed as it lowered it's self to reach for the water.

It was my chance. I planted my hind paws on the ground and stealthily pounced on my pray. I sunk my canines into it's neck and snapped it, instantly killing the deer.

I feasted on my victorious hunt, drinking in the river after. I carefully scrambled up a familiar tree and stuck my nose in the wind in search for the scent I left on the tree's branches that trailed to my home.

I ran and hopped from branch to branch until I reached my humble abode. I quickly went inside to store what's left of my feast, winter is coming.

My home is not much; just a small cave beneath a hollow trunked tree and was a few miles away from the river. I had installed a small wooden door at the foot of the cave and added in small trinkets and a few necessary furniture I made myself.

This was my life at 225 years old. Only a small portion of those years were spent in the nurture of my late parents and the pack I used to know. The rest, spent on hunting, training, surviving, and living off the grid.

The next day, I was high up the trees when I spotted other wolves hovering around this forest I resided in. They looked like big buff warriors, wolves I had to avoid to get out of danger's way. They must be from the pack at the edge of the forest.

What were they doing here? They never really wondered around these parts close to my cave as rogues often passed by or resided in this unclaimed area, including me.

I quietly observed them from the branch I was perched on when the sunset caught my attention. I looked aimlessly -possibly longingly- beyond the horizon.

The sky reminds me of the good days when I was still just a tiny spec beaming with energy and carefree. Back then I did not need to hunt, to fight for my survival. I had a family, a pack to keep me safe.

I vaguely remember who I was: daughter of two alpha's who constantly teased each other for dominance over one another, but my poppa loved my momma very much and vice versa. They also loved me, their dearest Evangeline.

That was 215 years ago, back when my days were still innocent and young.

Suddenly, one of the warriors looked up towards my location so I pushed my form tight against the tree trunk and let my fur create an illusion.

My wolf was very blessed with her fur. A coat so silky and reflective that despite it being white, it reflected most colors from my surroundings allowing me to faintly blend in. That and with a little bit more help with dirt and leaves I stick to my fur as disguise.

They finally left the forest and I went back to my little home.

I hope you enjoyed reading :>

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