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Chapter 40: Evangeline, Alpha of the Moon-Blessed Wolves

Water droplets rippled gently around her as Evangeline immerged from under the surface. The lake was stained red as she wiped the blood away from her body.

The sight of Mason playing with her now snowy white pup warmed Evangeline's heart. It had only been a few hours since she gave birth to Aris. Aris' eyes were now opened, revealing her gray orbs.

Evangeline could recognized those orbs from anywhere, those orbs she so longed to see ever since that day when she lost sight of the same steely orbs as a pup. They were here Poppa's eyes. Those gray eyes that always seemed to have a storm brewing in them. Now she could see into them once more through her child.

Evangeline snapped out of her reminiscent daze when she heard soft sounds of laughter from Mason who was watching her pup try to crawl on the grass. Aris could barely even lift herself up on her paws yet, so the little pup resorted to rolling around.

"You're gonna get her dirty again, Mason." Evangeline scolded as she walked out of the water.

Mason's cheeks were tainted red as he only focused on keeping his eyes trained on Evangeline's face. "A little dirt won't hurt anyone."

Mason picked Aris up and cradled her in his arms. Evangeline sat beside him. Mason gently placed Aris into Evangeline's arms as she fed her pup for the third time this morning.

"Evangeline, I'm gonna go find us something to wear. Will both of you be alright here?" Mason asked.

"Sure." Evangeline said as she coed at Aris who was staring up at her in wonder. Mason nodded and shifted to his wolf before disappearing into the trees.

Evangeline sighed. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions and her thoughts were the hurricane. She was worried for her mate. She was happy for her baby. She was thankful to Mason. But most of all, she was undeniably sad. She was sad that she wouldn't be able to be with her pup and her mate for long.

Evangeline pondered a lot of things. She wondered what the life of her pup would be when she grows up, what would she look like? How cute would she be when she finally learns to shift to her person a year from now? Would she have a form like her mother, or would she be a simple wolf like her father? Evangeline asked a lot of questions, but none of them she'd get answers to.

Evangeline always thought of this day spent in the pack hospital, her pup in her mates arms as she watched them from her bed.

"A girl can dream..." She uttered.

She never would've wanted to give birth to her pup in the forrest. She never thought her mate wouldn't be there to witness it too. Evangeline thought she could give birth normally, but what was even ever normal in her life?

We are the moon-blessed wolf afterall. Her wolf said, trying to comfort her. At least our pup is adorable.

Evangeline could only chuckle.

An hour later, Mason came back carrying two blankets and a bed sheet.

"I found an abandoned cabin. There were no clothes but at least there were some blankets and a bed sheet." Mason exclaimed.

"Okay. So what's next, Mason?" Evangeline said as she watched Mason tie the blanket into what looked like a basket.

"We head to the council. We wait there for updates regarding your pack. I have news that the council ordered the nearest pack to send warrior to you borders. The only problem is, a lot of the packs are being ambushed too. It's like every rogue in the world migrated here, sheesh." Mason said. He tied the last knot and held the contraption infront of Evangeline. "Okay, you can put Aris in here so you can carry her in wolf form as we run."

Mason was stunned to find tears streaming down Evangeline's cheeks. She was biting her lip trying to keep her sobs in. "Hey hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm not coming with you, Mason." Evangeline sobbed. Mason was flabbergasted.

"W– what, why?"  He stuttered.

"I'm going back, Mason I have to help them." Evangeline answered. She started furiously wiping away her tears.

"So I need you to keep my pup safe, Mason bring her to the council and take her back to Harris when you think the time is right. When it's all over and I've eliminated every feral there is." Evangeline said as she stood up and hurriedly placed Aris in the blanket basket.

Mason couldn't comprehend her reason. He didn't want her to go back. "Why?"

Evangeline placed both her hands on Mason's cheeks as she looked deeply into his eyes. "It's time for my next sacrifice, Mason and very soon for my last."

"No!" Mason exclaimed as he stepped out of her grasp. "No, Evangeline."

"I have to, Mason. It's inevitable." She said as she looked pleadingly into his eyes.

Mason kept quiet, they both knew it was true. They knew this was coming and now that it's here, it was so difficult to accept. Many say ignorance is a bliss, but they both knew that ignoring it and sweeping it under the rug wouldn't do them any good.

He wanted to change her fate, but there was nothing he could do for this she-wolf. He was only a council man. He couldn't go against their Moon Goddess.

"Okay" was the only word he could muster.

Evangeline wrapped Aris in a last embrace. She had only met this creature a few hours ago, but already it was difficult for her to let go. Her heart swelled as her pup licked her cheek as if a kiss. Gray eyes stared up at her in adoration as the corners or Aris' mouth revealed a wolfish grin, releasing a tiny bark of recognition to which Evangeline only chuckled to.

Mason felt tears running down his face as he witnessed the scene unfold. He tried wiping them off but they wouldn't stop.

"I assume my pup will be well looked after, council man Mason?" Evangeline grinned as she glanced at Mason.

"Of course, Alpha Evan." Mason replied with his own smirk as he opened his arms to receive her hug.

Evangeline helped fasten the basket around Mason's wolf. When it was secure, she kneeled down to place Aris in it.

"I love you, my baby. I hope you grow into a lady, well and proper. Take care of your Daddy for me, take care of your Uncle Mason, Granpa Orson, our pack and most of all, take care of yourself. I am sure you will be a fine young Alpha one day and I will always be up in the sky to see it.

Today is one of the best moments the Goddess has bestowed upon me as today she gave me my strength, you. She blessed me with the chance to meet you, my angel and I will cherish it forever. This may be farewell but this is never the end.

Please don't forget about me. I will visit you in your dreams. When you are lost, look up at the night sky and I will always be there to guide you." Evangeline couldn't help the stream of salty tears gushing down her cheeks. If only this wasn't so hard, she thought.

"Mommy loves you." She said as she kissed her pup for the last time. Evangeline shook with her sobs as she felt her pup lick the tip of her nose as if a kiss of goodluck and goodbye.

Finally, she let her go and stood up to face Mason. "Take care of my baby, Mason"

Mason bowed his head in salute to the brave she-wolf that stood infront of him with all the glory of a great Alpha.

After one last hug, Mason took off with Aris secured around him. He glanced behind him for the last time and saw Evangeline in her morphed form, with the white blanket tied around her neck, disappear into the opposite direction, the white blanket flowing behind her like a cape.

In that moment, Mason saw Evangeline for who she really was, what she really is. She was the Alpha of the Moon-blessed wolves, the chosen Guardian of the Moon Goddess.

She did not need the cape for she was no hero. To him, she surpassed the greatness of a hero.

She was a friend, she was a mother, she was a leader, and she was a mate.

I hope you enjoyed reading :>

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