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Chapter 3: Evangeline and A Pack

This pack was new and a bit sloppy in fighting. They must have been just a few years old. Most of the packs in my timeline were wiped out by the war that also claimed my pack and my parent's lives. I didn't know what it was about though, I was only 10 that time.

I am officially the last purebred werewolf originating from this continent. These new packs were built by wolves from other continents mating with the few wolves who did not join the war yet now were all dead.

I guess it was easy back then to wipe out the packs from this continent. There were only three after all. One from the West called Mensis Regere, one from the East called Lumin Regere, and us Northerns, the Sterno Regere. The south was uncharted territory. Poppa had said it was hard to infiltrate since it is where the rogues resided most. Not only lone rogues, but also rogue groups.

Back then, we couldn't risk our packs even if all three joined forces. All three of us, despite being one of the strongest packs, our numbers were not very large. Only consisting of 150 to 300 wolves unlike huge packs who ranged to the thousands.

I watched as one wolf lunged at it's partner a bit too impatiently. His partner did dodge right before the impact, but made the mistake of being out of focus. He snapped his jaws at the wolf who attacked him but only managed to bite a part of his partner's ear. His partner, enraged, clawed his stomach resulting to a huge wound on his side.

I looked around noticing that the others fought the same way. Their trainer stood at the side fuming. I decided to leave and look for a stronger pack to observe.

I don't plan on joining any as it is easier on my own. Enduring the pain of losing my pack and family was all too much, too much to even go through again. I don't want attachments, I don't want to love something only to mourn for it the next. Besides, no alpha would allow someone who could be a threat to their position stay in their pack, clearly I was a threat with pure Alpha blood coursing through my veins.

I climbed a tree and stuck my nose in the wind catching the scent of my trails. Branch to branch, I made my way home.

As I was about to leap towards my cave's door, I noticed it was ajar.


The smell of rotten eggs filled my senses, rogues. What do they want now? About three more exited my home. From what I can observe, I can take them all out with ease.

My powerful leap almost broke the branch. At mid leap, I shifted into my morphed human wolf form. I landed on one of the rogues and quickly bit down his throat and ripped it apart cutting his air supply. The other rogues' eyes snapped to me, shock evident in their eyes.

The first two rogues charged at me, but I slid down and stood behind them gripping their tails and pulling them to the side only for their sides to collide with a tree. The last rogue emitted the scent of fear, but he surely did not show it.

He leaped on to my back so I took a step back slamming him against the boulder behind me. With a groan, he opened his jaws to bite down my neck but I caught his tongue in the process.

"Wolf got your tongue?"

My other paw gripped his snout and I slammed him on the ground in front of me. Dazed, it took him a while to get back on his feet.

I took this as an opportunity and made him kneel in front of me, I held each of his jaw and looked him in the eye one last time. I saw fear and somehow that fueled my anger.

"How dare you trespass in my home!"

With one swift move, I tore his jaws apart. The other two rogues seemed to get a grip and walked around me in circles.

They sprung towards me but I dodged their attack by stepping back. I clawed one of the rogue's face scratching his eye and held the other one's neck as I plunged my claws into him and slid it across his neck. The other one was on the ground clutching his eye.

"Goodbye, rogue." I said as I stood behind him and snapped his neck.

I was all covered in blood when I entered my home. It was a complete mess. Great, now I have to find some other place to live in. I gathered the things I thought I still needed and set out to move yet again.

I too am a rogue, but these types were different. You could say they were quite feral. They were those kicked out or banished from packs for despicable crimes.

Said rogues have wild eyes in wolf form and have psychotic auras in human. Foam formed and dripped down from their mouths as their claws were long and body littered with dirt, sometimes even weirdly distorted.

I shifted back to my wolf and held my backpack straps in my mouth. I strolled to the river to wash up. I loved to swim in that river, it's a shame I had to leave it behind.

Upon arrival, I dropped my bag in one of the bushes and dove into the water painting it red.

Water was my second home. Surprisingly, I can hold my breath longer and can swim faster despite my average sized wolf. This was Poppa's dirty trick that only he and I knew.

That day, Momma was really mad at 7 year old me. I had clawed one of the male teenagers in our pack for calling me an abomination.

"Come back here, Evangeline! You know very well that what you did was wrong." Momma fumed at me tapping her foot on the ground.

"But he called me an abomination, Momma!" I argued while furiously rubbing me eyes trying to get rid of my tears.

Momma's expression softened and had this sympathetic look. She looked over Poppa asking for help. Poppa patted her shoulder and walked towards me and scooped me into his arms.

I held Poppa's shirt tight and sobbed on his chest. Poppa walked out of our house towards the forest and stopped near a lake.

"Shift, dear", he ordered me. I shifted to my beautiful white wolf. Funny I fitted in his big hand as a pup.

He shifted too and carried me by the scruff of my neck with his mouth. He placed me in the water, it was my first time swimming in my wolf form.

Surprisingly, it was very relaxing. I didn't know how to swim at first so Poppa held my tummy up with his snout. Poppa's wolf had a grin when he saw the excitement in my eyes. Poppa's wolf jokingly rolled his eyes when my little wolf form barked to order him to move me around the water.

A few moments later, I finally got the hang of swimming. I looked over at Poppa with a smug grin. Poppa blew a breath at my face and then inhaled deeply then sunk into the water.

I looked around confused. Suddenly I felt him tugging at my tail. I gulped a big amount of air and sunk into the water too.

I came face to face with Poppa and looked him in the eyes. His huge wolf towering over me even underwater. He held me between his paws.

You are not an abomination dear , you are the most precious piece that completed mine and you're Momma's life. Momma and Poppa love you so. You are the greatest gift the Moon Goddess has bestowed upon me. You are special, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, Poppa said in my head as his paw caressed my wolf's cheek.

He held me closer to him and touched his wolf's forehead with mine. I looked up at him with watery eyes as he had this look of love and adoration in his eyes.

We swam back up to the surface after a few more minutes. Momma joined us and we played in the water for hours.

I hope you enjoyed reading :>

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