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Alpha The Great, Evangeline

Evangeline stood upright gracefully in her morphed form, ears slicked back, hackles up making her look twice her size, and a snarl displayed her sharp canines. Her paws hang by her sides, claws ready to kill. She stood in an offensive stance, thirsty for blood. Specifically, John's blood.

They all knew it, the Alpha was in control.

"Hands off my mate, traitor!" She growled, her claws pointed towards John.

"Ah Evangeline, it's nice of you to join us." John chimed, smiling like the Cheshire cat. "Me and your mate were just having the time of our lives."

"You wish Evangeline was still in control, maybe then she'd show you some mercy." Evangeline's wolf snarled, flaunting her deadly teeth once again. "I, on the other hand, won't."

"Well I'll be damned, little Miss Alpha wolfy is in charge." John said, teasingly. "What, has your human finally figured out how much of a worthless coward she is?"

"Shut your mouth, traitor! You know nothing!" Evangeline's wolf hollered, taking a step towards John.

"She is though, isn't she? Always running away from her problems. Letting other people fight her battles. Heck, she even sent you to save her mate. What kind of Alpha doesn't have a spine?" John snickered.

"Enough!" She boomed having had enough of the banter. "No more games. If all you want to do here is talk, then I'd rather slit your throat  right here, right now."

"What if..." John maundered, his grip on the whip tightened ready to make another slashing. "I say no."

With that, John raised his hand and slammed it down, the whip lashing Harris' back with a snap.

Before John could even look at Evangeline for for her reaction, she already had her hand wrapped around his neck. She released a guttural roar, anger seeping through every inch of her being. Her Alpha presence stronger than ever, pushing the wolves nearby to crouch low as they hissed from the pressure she was putting on them.

"You dare defy me?" Evangeline seethed, her grip on his neck tightening.

"You're not my Alpha. You're no Alpha!" John sneered, hatred aimed towards the wolf infront of him. Evangeline clamored in his face.

Vyctor moved fast. Claws protruding from his hands, aiming at John. John swiftly shifted to his morphed form escaping Evangeline's grasp.

With as much force as he could muster from where he stood, he kicked Evangeline sending her a few yards away from him. He caught Vyctor's hand and kicked him on the stomach, making Vyctor groan.

"You're useless as ever." John spat at Vyctor. "You're just like Rolf. I should've never sent a wolf to do a Lycan's job."

It was like something came over Evangeline's wolf and she knew exactly what to do. She raised her fist before slamming it down to the ground.

She was not aware of it, but her eyes were glowing. The earth shook with her force, sending a wave of wind rippling across the opening.

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