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Chapter 8: Evangeline and Her Forms

Vien dragged me to a near-by lake wanting to swim. I just laughed at her eagerness.

"Come on Evee, hurry up please!"

I took off her jacket and took off my dress shirt as well. She was wearing a one-piece swimsuit while I had on a decent bikini. We jumped into the lake and splashed each other.

I swam after her pretending to be a shark. She laughed and swam away from me. I dove beneath her and swam up to catch her in my arms.

"I'm gonna eat you now!" I exclaimed.

"No!" She yelled trying to get out of my grip while giggling.

About an hour of playing in the water and we decided to get out of the lake. I was helping her out of the water when I heard rustling from behind us. A horrid stench caught my nose.

Vyctor, Rogues! I mind linked Grumps.

Shit, where are you? He asked.

By the lake with Vien. I answered.

I hid Vien behind me and backed away. A couple of rogues appeared snarling at us. I growled back at them. I felt Vien shaking behind me as she clung to me tightly.

I heard running behind me and looked back just in time to see Vyctor and the warriors running towards us.

Run Evangeline, run! He linked me.

I nodded and looked back at the rogues again before turning around picking up Vien and vaulting to the pack house. I passed Vyctor on the way and he told me not to look back.

"Evee, I'm scared." Vien said while hugging me tightly, tears streaming down her cheek.

"Shh Vien, it's gonna be okay." I said.

While running, two rogues snapped their jaws at me from behind but it didn't faze me. I was running up the stairs when the rogues claws caught my leg.

"Go inside Vien, quickly!" I yelled as I let go of her.

I shifted to my morphed human wolf form. I looked back at the door just in time to see Loriana take Vien inside. She looked back at me, I just nodded at her and she closed the door quickly.

The rogue was clawing at me but I held him back. I looked over at where vyctor was.

"Why are you in my territory, Rogue?" I heard him ask a rogue who was circling him.

"Where is she? Give her to us and we'll leave you alone!" The rogue demanded.

Yup that's definitely us. Said my wolf.

"I don't know who you're talking about!" Vyctor exclaimed.

I snapped my jaw to the rogue's neck and pushed him off of me resulting to me pulling his throat off.

I growled loudly holding so much power and authority in me. They all stopped and looked towards me. Vyctor and the warriors looked at me with shock while the rogues only smirked.

"Leave now!" I ordered.

"It's her, get her!" One of the rogues yelled and they continued fighting with a lot of them running towards me.

My wolf did not like the disrespect and took partial control of my body. I shot forward ripping, snapping, clawing, and bitting at any rogue that charged at me.

A third of the rogues now slumped on the ground motionless. Some killed by Vyctor and the warriors, many by me. I growled again in warning.

"Leave now or so help me I will wipe you all out!" I yelled and this time, the remaining rogues obeyed.

I had only regained my breathing when I found myself being dragged into Vyctor's office by no one else but the devil himself, Grumps.

He unhanded me when I was in the middle of his office as he sat on his chair.

"What are you?" He demanded.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Don't play dumb with me, Evangeline. What are you?" He repeated.

"I'm a werewolf, duh." I said mockingly.

"I think what the Alpha meant was why are you partially wolf and partially human?" The Beta, Connor was his name I think, asked.

"What, don't you guys have a form similar to this too?" I asked tilting my wolf head to the side.

"No." Connor answered whilst still bewildered.

"You all are dismissed. I've got to talk to the council about this. Leave now please." Grumps said holding his head in his hands.

We all left and I was knocked down to the ground by a very relieved Vien.

"Oh Evee! Evee! Evee, I was so worried. I thought the rogues had you. I'm sorry I put you in trouble." She said whilst hugging me.

I laughed and shifted back to my human before hugging her too. "It's not your fault, darling it's my duty to protect you at all cost."

Loriana helped me up holding back a very jumpy Vien. "I'm glad you're safe, I'm sorry I couldn't help you back there."

"It's fine. I wouldn't want you in the way of danger just because of me." I said as I patted her back.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned and dressed." Loriana ushered me. I was about to walk when a pain in my leg maid me hiss. "Gosh, you've got a deep gash in your leg. We need to get you to the pack doctor."

"It's fine, nothing I haven't felt before. It'll heal on its own. How's Liam?" I assured her.

"He's fine, a bit startled but fine. Thank you for protecting my child, Evangeline." She thanked me.

"It's my pleasure, Luna." I said with a small smile. She helped me to my room and got me changed and resting on my bed.

We were chatting in my room when Grumps walked in asking Loriana if she could give us a minute. She gave him a suspiciously glare, but didn't argue.

"So what brings you here, Alpha?" I asked patting the blanket. He sat on the far corner of my bed releasing a sigh.

"Look Evangeline, thank you for protecting Vien..." He said whilst cautiously choosing the words to say.

"But?" I asked knowing he had something not so good to say.

"But the council advised me that until we find out what you are, you pose a threat and they advised me to keep a hawk's eye on you." He said seeming to be frustrated.

"It's fine, I understand." I said with a small smile. He nodded before getting back up.

"Well then rest up, Evangeline. Rick will take over training tomorrow so you can heal. He needs to get his lazy ass moving again anyway." He said while making his way out of my room. "Good night, Evangeline."

"Good night, Alpha Vyctor."

He's still Alpha Grumps to us you know. My wolf butted in.

Of course.

I hope you enjoyed reading :>

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