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Chapter 22: Evangeline and the Sentina Borders

"Hello, John?" I answered my phone as I threw punches after punches at the punching bag.

"Uh hey, Evan." He stuttered. My second in command seldom stutters, something must be up.

"What is it, John? Spit it out already or please don't waste my time."

"One of our allies requested for assistance on an upcoming attack, Evan. They said a rogue pack started terrorizing their members and the Alpha would like your help to chase off the rogue pack. Worst scenario could be eliminating that specific rogue pack." He informed me.

"Send a handful of our warriors to them." I said as I wiped beads of sweat from my forehead.

"Alright, I'll send ten." He replied before scurrying off.

Each one of my members are warriors who can fight, but due to our numbers being small, we have to double our own security right now since we have a few pups and teenagers. We can't afford to send half the pack at the moment, ten is more than enough anyway.

You must be wondering why must we comply to their request. According to Mason, it is to do good for our alliances.

I took off the cloth that wrapped around my hand and changed into new clothes. I strolled around our borders, checking with my people along the way.


While Evangeline was delighted to see her community prospering, a new, or rather returning, competition was threatening to come nearer and nearer to Sentina borders. The former inhabitants of the said land.

"It's been so long since we've been here, Grandfather." Said Harrison, stretching his limbs to ease their soreness from the tiresome trip.

"Indeed. We must reclaim our land. I've gotten word that the council has designated it to a newly built pack." Vyctor replied as he looked over a bunch of their guys take down a full grown moose.

"What about the members of that pack, Dad?" Said Angus, who stood beside Vyctor.

"If they don't hand us our land back, we'll challenge their Alpha and kill him then we'll give them the choice to join us or leave at once." Vyctor said.

The sun has almost set when the Cresceres set onwards once again.

Harris felt great longing for the said land. He stood a little longer on the hill overlooking the Sentina borders. His thoughts drifting back to that faithful day. His whole being yearned for the sparks he had once felt within these border's forests.

"I wonder where you are now..." He thought.

"You coming, Harris?" Angus called.

With a sigh, he shifted to his brown wolf once more and walked on.

Meanwhile, Evangeline was just finishing up training her warriors when her wolf started feeling uneasy.

Someone's coming, Evangeline. She warned her.

Sweat trickled down her forehead, but she didn't mind. Evangeline felt her wolf's discomfort and all that was on her mind was finding out who the new comer was.

Evangeline strolled out of their training field followed by her warriors and in-commands. She was clueless as to who she would meet and if they would cause harm.

The Lunette Crescere was the last one in her mind that she would meet beyond her borders, they did leave after all, but there before her stood the man she once called "Alpha".

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