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Chapter 23: Evangeline and More Council Men

"I demand for my land to be returned." Vyctor's stubborn voice rang in the tense air that surrounded the oval table of the council.

"The land spoken of is the same land you have once abandoned, Alpha Sinclair is it not?" Mason questioned as seriously as his bubbly personality can conjure.

"Nevertheless, we have fought for that land for decades. We have invested sweat, blood, and tears for that land!" Vyktor shot back as his fist collided with the table making a loud thumping noise which made Evangeline's headache increase tenfold.

He might just be the most ill-tempered idiot I've ever run across my whole life! Her wolf complained as she laid down in her head with her paws covering her ears.

"Yet it was easy for you to leave it behind." Said John while glaring at the Crescere's Alpha.

Vyktor did not like the disrespect from Sentina's Beta. "Better watch your mouth, pup. You know nothing of what that coward you call your Alpha has put my pack through!"

This erupted growls coming from the Sentinels. Evangeline's face hardened even more.

Mason slumped in his chair also annoyed to have been swept to the side whilst they argued. The head of the council men smacked his hand on the table catching everyone's attention.

"That's enough. Seeing as neither of you can come to an agreement, you are all dismissed for now. The council will deliberate." The head council man declared.

"Brother, why don't the Lunette Crescere stay with the Sterno Sentinas for the mean time? I will monitor them to ensure chaos does not break out." Mason suggested, earning glares from both the Crescere and the Sentina. The other council members nodded in agreement.

"Very well. Any pack who crosses council man Mason's authority loses rights to the land." The head of the council turned towards Evangeline, "You do have enough room, correct Alpha?"

Evangeline ,despite not liking the idea one bit, nodded. She made a mental note to smack Mason silly afterwards for suggesting the horrid idea.

Though it would make watching over Loriana's pup easier, said her wolf.


Evangeline eyed the tree, looking for the sturdier branches and braced herself to jump up. She jumped from branch to branch til she found the usual branch she often perched on.

She looked over and saw her other members conversing with the Cresceres. Some were sparring, some where doing daily chores together, and some were giving each other weird looks.

On the far side of the area, Harris stared at the tree where Evangeline perched. Though he did not see Evangeline, he always thought of the girl up the tree who made him feel sparks when he was only 16.

How many years has it been since he felt her presence?

How many more must he endure knowing his mate was out there, but not even knowing her name, what she looks like?

He knew nothing about her except her unique wolf form.

Harris stood and made his way towards the tree. Oh how he wanted to feel her presence again. Hope brewed within his soul.

"I hope she's there..." He thought. "Moon Goddess, please let her be there."

He sat with his back against the tree, head hung low, and hopeful for he did know that his mate did not want him to see her, but he'll wait for her. Then and there, he felt her presence.

"I know you're there again. I can't believe you're still here." He whispered, but it was loud enough for Evangeline to hear.

"And so you've returned, kid." She whispered back.

"Yeah, except I'm not a kid anymore." Harris said. "I-I'm older now a-and I can be with you now."

Evangeline chuckled almost in disbelief which then turned to fits of laughter. Her laugh was music to Harris' ears, although he felt like she was laughing at him.

"That's cute, kid..." Said Evangeline while wiping a tear that escaped from her eye. "But don't you think at my age I would've already found my mate centuries ago? Seeing as to there was none, I am mateless."

Harris felt his hope slowly fading. It was clear that he might be too late, she'd been left alone for centuries, but that wasn't his fault, wasn't it? He had only been born centuries after her, but that didn't mean he loved her less, did it?

"But the sparks, I felt them when you touched me. Didn't you?" Harris was desperate for her.

"You were just mistaken." She replied.

"N-no I wasn't!" Harris thought hard about why his mate didn't want him. If she was alone for a long time then shouldn't she be happy he was here now? "Is this about what I told you back then? About me not having a wolf? I have one now! I'm not weak now, I can protect you! I can take care of you!"

Harris pulled off his shirt and shifted into his big black wolf. Despite the danger, he jumped up a branch and made his way up towards Evangeline, stumbling a few times.

The tree shook under Harris' weight which startled Evangeline. She peeked down and saw him clumsily climbing the tree and before he could see her, she shifted to her morphed form.

Just as he was two branches away, the thin piece of wood broke and Harris came tumbling down the tree, but before his wolf could hit the ground, Evangeline caught him in her morphed form's arms.

Sparks erupted from both their skins touching which earned a slight purr from Harris but a loud growl from Evangeline. She set him down and immediately he rubbed his furry head on her stomach, indulging in the feeling of his mate. Evangeline pushed him off making him whimper at the rejection of his mate.

"Leave and don't come looking for me anymore." She commanded.

Harris looked up at her with sorrow in his eyes. Please don't leave me, his wolf begged her.

"You have come two centuries too late." She said before running off deeper into the forest.

Harris sat their still processing the rejection. Even in wolf form, his tears fell down like a waterfall. He had a few wounds from falling, but that was the least of his worries at the moment.

The only thing running in his mind was why... Why had she left him? Why did she not want him anymore?

Harris finally howled all his pain and Evangeline heard him.

She heard his pain and it pained her too, but to her it was very faint. She had given up the idea of a mate for too long now that she didn't feel much of the bond anymore.

I hope you enjoyed reading :>

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