Removing his hand from your thigh

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(I'm happy seeing a small amount of votes & comments. At least some are sincere

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Listening to Little mix while writing this 🤗


Jungkook Pov :

I sighed looking at the time on my watch. Freaking half an hour late!!

Turning the steering wheel, my car stopped right in the front of the big mansion. I gave my wife a smile but gulped seeing her glare.

She pulled the car door and sat inside while I put the seat belt on for her.

"YN are you mad??"

I sighed as I didn't received an answer.

"I'm sorry babe"

I said softly before placing a peck on her cheek. Starting off the engine I drove to her favorite place.

Licking my lips I put my hand on her thigh as I usually do while driving. I frowned as I felt my hand being pushed asides.

Thinking it must have been a mistake I again put my hand on her thigh, caressing her bare skin. My eyes widened as she removed my hand from her skin.

"What the heck?!"

I exclaimed, keeping my eyes on the road to prevent accident.

I gritted my teeth as I received the silent treatment yet again. Having enough of it I grabbed her thigh a bit harshly.

She whined in pain and I immediately let go of her thigh.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you"

I apologized before pulling my car somewhere on the side where it was quite and without any vehicles.

"Babe what's wrong??"

I asked softly, turning towards her.

"Is it because I was late?? I said I'm sorry now we are even going to your favorite place together then why are you acting this way??"

She finally looked at me as she opened her mouth to speak.

"I contacted your secretary and he said that you were with this Mi young for more than an hour. So that means you were late to pick me up for our date cause you were busy with her. Is that girl more beautiful than me huh?"

I chuckled grabbing her hands.

"Ah yes what my secretary said was all true and she is really pretty"

I smirked seeing her eyes go wide. She tried to free her hands but I pulled her closer to me.

"Babe she is a 75 year old lady who is also my favorite and regular client. She treats me like her own grandson. Look"

I fished my phone from my back pocket for a photo of us which we took not long ago.

"Is this enough or do you want me to call her and -"

"I- i it's ok, no need"

I giggled seeing her ears go red in embarrassment.

Holding her waist I pulled her on my lap while caressing her curves.

"I love seeing my beautiful wife get jealous"

I smirked as I placed a soft kiss on her collarbone.

"Shut up!"

I raised my eyebrows at her fierce reply. Pulling her more closer I stared at her.

"I think you forgot about who is in control here hmm?"

"Oh come on, we both know you are not the dominant one"

She said with a small smirk hurting my ego.

"Do you want me to show you how a real dominant is huh?"

I asked, our faces inches closer, lips almost touching.

She giggled cutely before shaking her head, making my heart melt by her simple actions.

"No since I love the way you are all sweet and soft for me"

I smiled at her expected answer and pecked her lips.

"Just like how I make love to you slowly and passionately"

I said and held her nape while pressing my lips on hers, kissing her lovingly with a little bit of lust in it.

I moaned as she pressed her lower body on mine, exciting me and making our environment all hot.

Pressing her curves firmly I entered my tongue inside her mouth, devouring her fully and enjoying her sweet lips.

Before I could go further she pushed me away gently, her breathing still heavy.

I just smirked at her state and pressed my lips on to her neck, not in the mood to stop this lovely moment between us.

"I -i we should s-stop now, we are g-getting late ahh"

I smiled hearing her moan at the end of her sentence while I made red and purple marks on her skin, marking what's mine.

"Are we?"

I asked pulling away from the crook of her neck and pecking her lips in the process.

"Stop teasing me!"

She whined with a pout making me giggle. She was about to get up from my lap but I held her back.


I said as her beautiful brown eyes dived into mine, provoking some sensations into my body.

"If you have any doubts or questions about me, you come and ask me. Don't jump into conclusion by yourself without making things clear, understood??"


She said taking her seat while my eyes were still glued to her body, finally realizing that she was wearing a bit revealing clothes.

Taking in a deep breath I tried to calm myself.

"Don't you dare disobey your husband"

I said smirking.

"And what if I do??"

"Getting bold huh??"

I questioned back while leaning closer to her.

"Then punishment"

I said while cupping her cheeks.


She pushed my hands away while smiling.

"I know you won't give me punishment cause you care for me"

She said with a smirk while I agreed, nodding my head.

"I do and I love you"

I kissed her lips softly.

"I love you too"

I smiled, ruffling her hair.

"Let's go"

I intertwined our fingers together and kept it on her thigh. I smiled thinking about the date we would have.



How was this???


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