CH 3: Puzzled Mind

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At wedding hall

Arjun was setting his hair in his room. Getting married to Sivaangi was one of his dreams.' Buzzz' his phone vibrated with the arrival of the notification. His frowned face turned bright when he saw that the text was from his 'Lifeline'.

'Arjun! I know it's too late... I will be going abroad today. I'm truly sorry. I should have told you earlier that I'm not at all interested in this marriage. Don't come for me.'

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Sivaaa!!!" Arjun kneeled in the ground, cried out loudly. Rakshan rushed to his room and found him crying hard. He quickly hugged Arjun. Although Rakshan was blackmailed to accept this marriage proposal, he knew that Arjun's feelings were true. "What happened Arjun?" Rakshan asked concernedly. At the same time, he frowned as he saw Saranya coming towards him hurriedly. "Siv... Siva... ngi" Saranya stammered. "What happened to Thangam?" tears welled up in his eyes. "She left me" Arjun hollered and threw his phone towards Rakshan.

Reading the text somehow made Rakshan happy, but he didn't show up in his face. He tried to console Arjun, but he failed. "I will give her time. I won't make the move now. Your sister will come back to you, Raksha! She is mine! I will never give up. I waited for her all those 5 years. I won't mind waiting for her till my last breath. But I will find her soon. This is my promise!" Arjun composed himself and came out of the room. "Marriage cancelled!!" he roared to the people at the wedding hall.

Saranya hugged Rakshan tightly and murmured continuously that Sivaangi will be back soon. They both somehow felt that she is in the safest place.

At AK's Mansion

Ashwin stirred in his sleep after 3 hours. His eyes widened when he saw Sivaangi scrolling her phone. He quickly snatched it from her and slapped himself mentally for his carelessness. Sivaangi narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you anniyan? Why did you do that?" she yelled at him. "I'm sorry, I was just scared that you will contact someone to rescue you from me." That's when she realized that she actually could have done that instead of texting her brother, telling him a fake reason that she ran away from the wedding because she was not interested.

"For your kind information, I texted Rakshan Anna may open the chat and read the text."

'Anna, I'm sorry! I was not at all interested in this marriage. Firstly, I accepted it just for your happiness. But at the last minute I thought my decision was wrong. You have never ignored my decision, you will always try to fulfill my wishes. I should have told you before. But I don't have the courage to break your trust, Anna. I know that Arjun's feelings towards me are true. He loves me unconditionally, I knew that. I just think that I'm not the right girl for him. I don't deserve his love. I've never loved him. I hope that you'll understand and respect my feelings. There are few things which I need to fix up. I'm not dare enough to face you after embarrassing you. So, I'm going overseas, na. Thank you for your love which I didn't actually deserve, anna. Don't find me. '

He looked up at her from the phone after reading the text.

"Did you realize what you have done? Did you try to save me or what, Sivaangi? Why? " he surprisedly asked her. "Haha! In your dreams! I just told him the truth except for the going overseas part." she said sarcastically. She continued, 'By the way, thank you for the idea. I saw the text which was sent to Arjun by my so-called Kidnapper. She smirked at him.

Little did Ashwin know that Arjun will never leave it just like that and will make a slow move to reach her. Ashwin made up his mind to keep her safe.

"I'm hungry Ashwineyy" Sivaangi whined. He chuckled and asked her to follow him. She stepped out of the room and followed him to the kitchen. All the way to the kitchen, she was looking around in awe. "Ashwineyyy, is this mansion is yours?"she asked with an astonished tone. "Nop! It's ours." Sivaangi just ignored his answer and roamed around the mansion. She went back to the kitchen when the delicious aroma hit her nostrils. She saw Ashwin cooking Mushroom Pasta, which is one of her favorite foods. "Ashwin! The Great! The Mass" Sivaangi cheered him loudly making him jerk. He glared at her and asked her to taste the dish. She made a superb sign with her hand.

They ate their lunch silently with many thoughts in their mind. Sivaangi went back to the room. She took her time to look around the room. It was perfect yet luxurious. She opened the wardrobe cabinet and found dresses according to her size. Down rack was filled with sanitary pads.

She moved towards the dressing table, opened the drawer. She giggled as she saw eye liner, 3 colors of lipsticks and a few boxes of bindis over there. Wearing just these two, three items on her face were always been perfect makeup for her. This man knows her better. He can read her mind, knows her favorite food, size, and now he even knows her favorite cosmetics which she uses the most.

A small smile crept Sivaangi's lips when she saw her kidnapper entering the room through the mirror. She turned towards him,"Welcome back Mr. Kidnapper, I would like to ask you a few questions. May I ?"

Author's Note:
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

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Let's wait to know what is going to happen next😉

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