A Real Hating Simulator

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Kat and Pico were in the living room.

Kat: You know, Pico, I have a lot of fun having you around.

Pico: Yeah. I just wish your dad would lighten up a little.

Kat: He maybe overprotective, but he means well. [Sees a spider on the ground] Ah!!! [Jumps into Pico's arms]

Pico: [Pulls out his gun and shoots the spider]

Daddy Dearest: [Runs into the living room, holding two guns] Who the fuck is trying to hurt my daughter?!

Pico: Uhhhhhh...

Kat: Calm down, daddy. There was a spider on the ground, and Pico just shot it.

Daddy Dearest: Oh. [Looks at Pico mencacingly] I am watching you, boy. [Leaves]

Kat: You wanna play video games?

Pico: Sure.

Kat: [Walks over to the game box and pulls out a game] How about Hating Simulator?

Pico: Sounds boring.

Kat: Come on, Pico. Cherry and I used to love this game! I'm sure you'll love it too! I mean, it's not like we'll get trapped in there like Senpai was.

Pico: Okay. [Realizes what Kat just said] Wait a minute! Did you just say "Senpai"?! [Kat puts the game in and Pico and Kat get sucked into it, along with the living room furniture]

Daddy Dearest: [Seeing everything] Have fun, you two.

Cut to inside Hating Simulator. It was raining living room furniture.

Senpai: Why is it raining living room furniture? [Sees Pico falling] Holy shi- [Catches Pico] Uhhh... Let us never speak of this again.

Pico: Agreed.

Kat: [Falls onto the ground] Ow! My face! [Sees Senpai holding Pico] Hey! Catch your own boyfriend! 

Senpai: Uh, I'm not gay. [No offense towards people who are gay]

Kat: Then why are you still holding him?!

Senpai: Want me to drop him on his head like my mom did to me when I was a baby?

Kat: [Eyes glimmer red] If you drop him, you'll go from Senpai to Deadpi!

Pico: Maybe you should calm down a bit, Kat.

Kat: Well are you gay?

Pico: Uh, can I get back to you on that?

Kat: Senpai, if your not gay, then where's your girlfriend?

Senpai: Definetly not right behind me! [Points at the fangirls]


Kat: Isn't this called a Dating Simulator?

Senpai: More like a Hating Simulator, because I hate them.

Kat: Oh. Well Pico, if your bisexual, then who's your crush?

Pico: You.

Kat: You have a crush on a girl named You? [Crying] What does You have that I don't!

Pico: Well, I do sometimes crush on myself, but I have a crush on the girl who is literaly standing right in front of me.

Kat: [Sees a cockroach in front of her] You have a crush on a cockroach?

Pico: Eww, no!!!

Kat: [Crying] Am I not good enough for you, Pico?! Why don't you just have bug babies with that thing!

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