Cave Catastrophe: Part Four

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Pico: [He walks over to everyone with a donut box in his hands] Hey guys, I'm back!

Daddy Dearest: Aw! I was hoping that you'd be dead!

Pico: Well, I did bring something home for Boyfriend!

Darnell: Oh no!

Otis: Dude, ya wouldn't!

Pico: Relax, it's just donuts!

Otis: Dude, that does not smell like donuts, and you most certainly don't smell like donuts either!

Pico: Shut up, Otis!

Boyfriend: Donuts?! I love donuts! [He takes the box] Thanks Pico!

Pico: Oh you're welcome, Boyfriend! [He grins evilly]

Darnell: Okay dude, be honest! What's actually in there?!

Pico: I told you guys, it's donuts!

Otis: Dude, I know for a fact that it's not donuts!

Pico: You don't know anything!

Otis: First of all, you stink! Second of all, Daddy Dearest sent you to a skunk cave, not Krispy Kreme! And third of all, you would never be this nice to Boyfriend!

Nene: [She walks into the room] Hey you guys! I'm back, and I brought home some ice cream!

Leela: Ice Cream?! I love ice cream!

Jakei: I hope it's Cookie Dough!

Missy: I hope it's blood flavor! [Everyone looks at Missy, but Leela was smiling] What?

Pico: Nene, you mind leaving for a second?

Nene: Why?

Pico: Just leave!

Nene: WHY?!!!

Pico: I'll explain later, now leave!

Nene: Not until you tell me.... [She gags] What is that smell?!

Pico: Yeet! [Yeets Nene outta the room]

Nene: PICO!!!!

Pico: It's for the Greater Good!

Girlfriend: Okay, Updike!

Nene: Who in the name of Tikal is Updike?

Girlfriend: Don't ask that! She'll hear you!

Nene: She'll?

Kat: DID SOMEONE SAY UPDIKE!!!! [Comes out in her demon form] Where is he?! Let me at him!

Girlfriend: Updike's not here, Kat!

Kat: Oh... [Goes back to normal] But who said his name?! You know it's illegal to do such a thing!

Girlfriend: Uh, no it isn't!

Nene: It was me, but Girlfriend said it first!

Girlfriend: Hey! Don't throw me under the bus!

Nene: Well who's Updike?!

Kat: It's probably best you don't know...

Nene: Why?

Girlfriend: [Sighs] Just tell her, Kat...

Kat: All I can say is that he's a very bad man! Worse than Infinite, Karma, Nack the Weasel, Eggman, Dixon the Ferret, Scourge, Fiona, and the Deadly Six combined!

Nene: Who are Infinite, Karma, Nack the Weasel, Eggman, Dixon the Ferret, Scourge, Fiona, and the Deadly Six?

Kat: I ain't telling you all of that! You're getting what's your getting!

Girlfriend: Updike leads this team called "The Greater Good."

Kat: The Greater Good?! More like "The Badder Bad!"

Nene: Uh, okay...

Girlfriend: Just forget about him and just be a good person, alright Nene?

Nene: Okay...

Kat: Or we can just go full on killer mode and smite him in his sleep!

Nene and Girlfriend: NO, KAT!!!!

Kat: Ugh, fine! [Pouts] Why don't I get to have any fun around here?!

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