New Kid

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Today was the first day of going to this school. You were nervous and still a little rusty with the language. When you met with your host family things were a little bumpy with the cultural differences. After a while you got used to their rules and understood things. Maybe things would go well with your classmates. The teacher introduced you to the class and told you to take a seat in the back next to an empty desk.

You quickly found your way to your seat. Then you got out note taking stuff and began class. Once class ended a few students introduced themselves to you. They seem very excited to meet you. This one girl introduced herself as Mazaki Anzu. She was really nice and offered to show you around the school and you accepted. Once that happened a few boys came up behind her.

"Another new kid?" A blonde headed guy asked.

Another one? You weren't the only one?

"They look nicer than Kaiba." Said the other boy.

Maybe the other new kid was mean or something. At least the standards for a new student were low.

"Ignore them." The shorter guy said.

He introduced his three other friends and himself. You introduced yourself to the group again. They didn't seem so bad. They told you to bring your lunch with you since it was lunch time. Soon they started leading you through the school. They showed you where the library, gym and swimming pool are. It wasn't a huge school, but you probably would've gotten a bit lost without some guidance.

Once the tour was over, they asked if you wanted to eat lunch with them. You agreed because you didn't want to eat alone. They led you to the roof of the school. They told you that's where they would often come to eat meals. You all brought out your lunches and started chowing down.

"So, there's another new kid?" You asked.

"He came here a year or so before you did." Mazaki answered.

"Was he nice." You asked again.

"Hell no! Just a snobby rich kid!" Jonouchi said loudly.

"Is he in our class?" You asked.

"Yeah, He actually sits next to you." Yugi replied.

"He's out sick right now though." Honda added.

They all continued their conversations at that point. You just listened in since you didn't really have much to add. Well, at least you didn't have to worry about being some snobby rich kid. You'd probably end up the quiet kid. Once you had finished your meals, you all headed back to the classroom.

When school had let out your new friends had invited you to come and hang out with them. You decided to decline for today. New school, new people and new surroundings took a lot out of you. You told them you would try to hang out next time, today you just wanted to rest. They decided to give you their phone numbers so you could all text each other.

Once you got home, your host family greeted you. They were a small family. Two parents and a son younger than you. They were really nice and didn't have too many rules. They gave you a nice room and hot meals that you were very thankful for.

You went to your room and changed clothes. Something comfortable to be in the house. Once that was done you got to eat with the family and tell them about your day along with their son. After that you started up homework and got to take a bath before bed.

The next day you arrived at school and saw that the desk next to yours had a student in it. The other new kid. Guess he got better. He was really attractive though. You were a little nervous and quickly got to your seat. You turned to introduce yourself to him.

"Hi! I'm the new transfer student! I heard you were the transfer student before." You said with your hand stretched out to him.

He looked up from his book and shook your hand. "Nice to meet you."

You smiled at him before he started reading his book again. He didn't seem too bad, probably a little shy. Soon after your little exchange class started again. You tried your best to take diligent notes, but the class was going a bit fast. When you looked over at the other kid you saw he was pretty fast at taking notes.

You tried your best during the rest of the classes you had. Once lunch time came you got a break. You pulled out the bento you home stay mom gave you. You were going to join Anzu and her friends, but you saw the other kid sitting alone.

You stayed in your seat. "Are you eating by yourself?" You asked.

"No. I'm not eating." He said as he pulled out his book to read.

"Do you want to share a lunch?" You asked.

"I'm fine." He responded.

"Can I sit with you then?" You asked.

He looked over at you. "Why do you insist on spending your time with me?" He asked.

To be honest you weren't sure yourself. But something about him attracted you to him. Probably his looks. You didn't want to be blunt though.

"You seem cool!" You blurted out.

Fuck. Can't take it back now.

He seemed a little flustered by that but quickly got back him composure. "You can eat with me but in silence."

You happily scooted your desk next to his. You offered him a melon soda you picked up on your way to school this morning. He declined saying it was too sweet. You shrugged and ate your meal happily. As you were finishing Anzu and her friends come in.

"That's where you were!" Anzu exclaimed.

You waved at them. The rest of that group came in after her. Jonouchi loudly exclaimed his disgust at the other kid being back. It was rude. The others said it seemed that you two were going to be friends now. You giggled a bit and just replied with a maybe. Since lunch was ending you decided to move your desk back to place.

Once class started back up again you started struggling a bit again. You tried your best to keep up though. Luckily time flew by and school was over once again. You saw the other guy packing up and followed suit. Since he seems to be a good student you decided to ask him for notes.

"Hey, wait!" You said trying to catch up with him in the hall.

He stopped for a second and kept walking once you caught up with him. "What is it?" He asked.

"I just got here yesterday, and Japanese isn't my first language. Do you think you can help me with my notes?" You asked.

"I'm not a tutor. Ask someone else." He said.

"Oh. I'm sorry I assumed you were smart enough to help me." You said.

He glared at you. Then proceeded to pull out his notes and hand them to you. You smiled and thanked him.

"Is that all you wanted from me?" He asked.

"Hmm...What are you doing after school?" You asked.

"Going home." He said.

"Want to walk together?" You asked.

"I get a ride home." He said.

"Lucky!" You exclaimed.

You both reached the shoe lockers and changed out of your school shoes. Once you finished you caught up with him. You walked with him as far as his limo. You looked at him in shock.

"This is your ride?" You asked.

"Yes. Goodbye." He said.

"Wait! What's your name?" You asked.

"Kaiba." He responded.

"See you tomorrow, Kaiba!" You said as he got into his car.

You watched as he took off. Then started taking off towards your place. The rest of the week at school was the same. You ate lunch in silence with Kaiba and borrowed his notes when you couldn't keep up. Fortunately, it didn't take you too long to be able to keep up. Soon the week ended, and you had the weekend to yourself.

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