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When the weekend started you asked your host mom to teach you how to make bento meals. You asked her if you could make a classmate a bento box as well. She said only once in a while. You understood and explained your new friend to her. The weekend went by pretty uneventfully.

On Monday morning you prepared a bento meal for you and Kaiba. On your way to school, you got two unsweet green teas from the vending machine. You made your way to the school and got into your classroom. Kaiba was already there, reading another book. There was still sometime before class started, so you decided to start a conversation with him.

"How was your weekend?" You asked.


You stared at him a bit. His eyes were a really pretty light blue color with flecks of ice blue in it. His hair looked soft as well. It was well groomed compared to the mess on your head. Suddenly he locked eyes with you.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

You were caught off guard.

"Nope!" You said as you looked away.

You hid your face as you could feel your face growing red.

"What were you looking at then?" He asked.

Oh god. You had to think on your feet. You tried your best to compose yourself and turned to face him. "Your book! I wanted to see what had your attention." You replied.

"Financial Marketing." He responded.

"Oh! Is it good?" You said to make it seem like you weren't staring at him longingly.

He looked at it and then back to you. "It's very informational."

"Oh! You like these kinds of books?" You asked.

"Not really. But it's useful." He stated.

After he said that class started. Morning classes were pretty tame. During second period Jonouchi had fallen asleep and had to be woken up by the teacher. The class laughed at that. Soon lunch came and people got up to leave or moved their desks.

You moved your desk next to Kaiba and pulled out the boxes and drinks. You gave Kaiba the one you made for him and the drink you got him. He put his book down and sighed.

"You don't have to make me food." He said.

"It's not good to skip meals!" You responded.

"Don't pity me. I'm fine without food." He retorted.

"I won't make this for you every day. But you can't expect me to eat two meals today." You said as you dug into your own food.

He let out a long sigh and ate with you. You would've got him talking more but he pulled out his book again. He ate and read it at the same time. At least he has food this time. You looked at the class schedule. Ew. Math.

Classes started again when lunch ended. You spent class trying to figure out how to talk to him than you did actually paying attention. You doodled a little between taking notes. Soon class was over. You followed Kaiba to the lockers and then outside. You waved goodbye to him. Yugi and his friends waved at you. You waved back. Anzu came over to you.

"We're going to the arcade, want to come?" She asked.

"Yeah!" You answered.

You joined them in walking to the arcade. It had a lot of cool looking games. They took turns teaching you how to play them. Some were multiplayer. You lost and won against them a handful of times. Then they invited you to go out and eat with them. You agreed but only got a small snack because your host mom would probably have food for you.

"What made you come here for your last year?" Anzu asked.

"Wouldn't you want to graduate with your friends at home?" Honda asked.

Oh god. You had hoped this conversation wouldn't happen.

"I don't have many friends at home. I was bullied pretty badly so I decide to spend my last year away from that." You said softly.

You felt Yugi grab your hand. You looked up at him.

"I used to get bullied too." He said.

"Let us know if anyone starts to bully you! We can take care of them." Jonouchi exclaimed.

"Thanks! I have a feeling this will be a good year!" You smiled.

Soon everyone finished their food and you all parted ways. You got home and everything went on normally. You really hoped this school year was good. New people that don't know you, a fresh start and some people that could be potential friends.

Your host mom woke you up. Apparently, you had slept past your alarm. You rushed to get to school, if you hurried you just might make it. On your run you noticed Jonouchi and Honda also running late. You were pretty slow compared to them.

Suddenly they grabbed both your hands and forced you to run faster with them. Then you realized why. A teacher was closing the school gate. You felt like you could trip at any second but did your best to keep up. Luckily you all made it through. It felt like you had finished a marathon.

You all weakly walked into class. Your legs were screaming for mercy. You plopped yourself down at your seat. You could hear Yugi, Anzu and Bakura laughing. They must've seen you all rush in. You just sat back and tried to relax.

"So that really was you?" You heard a voice say.

You opened your eyes to see Kaiba looking at you.

"Heh, Yeah. I slept past my alarm today. Now Shhhh." You said raising your finger to your lips.

You relaxed a bit more before class started. Class went by uneventfully, just taking notes and doodling. Luckily lunch came quickly, that run in the morning left you starving. That's when you realized something dreadful. You forgot to pack a lunch. Your stomach growled loudly. You put your head on the desk. Contemplating life.

"Did you forget lunch?" Kaiba asked.

You nodded.

"Come with me." He said as he got up.

You followed him downstairs and through some hallways. He led you to a cafeteria.

"I'm surprised no one showed you this." He said.

"I'm so happy, I could kiss you." You stated.

"Please don't." He replied.

"Wait! There was a cafeteria this whole time and you chose not to eat!" You exclaimed.

"It gets in the way." He said.

"BS!" You responded.

You grabbed his hand and dragged him into the cafeteria with you. You both paid and got your food. You sat down at a table with him. You both began to eat.

"I don't have my book." He stated.

"Damn. Guess you have to socialize now." You responded.

He glared at you. "I bet you were popular at your other school." He said sarcastically.

"You seem very popular here as. well." You jabbed back at him.

"I am quite popular." He said.

"I can tell by the line of people waiting to eat lunch with you." You retorted.

He glared at you and you laughed at him. You both finished your meals and walked back to class. You did you best to remember the way there just in case you forgot your lunch again. You followed Kaiba back to the class. You were starting to think you were developing a crush.

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