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This morning you were able to come into class on time. You got lunch ready and even bought yourself a drink. You were able to see Jonouchi running late to class. You laughed a bit imagining how you looked yesterday running in. You made your way into the classroom. As you walked in you noticed Kaiba reading another book. Then you noticed his face.

"Whoa! You wear glasses!" You exclaimed as you went to sit down next to him.

"I usually wear contacts, but I ran out today." He groaned.

"They look good on you!" You say happily.

He glares at you. "Enjoy them while they last. I'm getting more contacts soon."

You looked at him a bit before he rolled his eyes and went back to his book. You stare at the cover. You can't make out what that says. It's not English that's for sure. Spanish?

"Titty Levi. Ab verb condita." You softly said out loud. Trying to figure out what it says.

He popped is head out of his book. "Titi Livi. Ab Vrbe Condita." He corrected you.

"What language is that?" You asked.

"Latin." He responded.

You were going to say more but class started shortly after. Class goes on as usual. Before your stomach starts growling. You look at the clock every now and then to see how long to lunch. You wait 20 minutes before lunch starts. Once it's time you turn to Kaiba.

"Let's go eat!" You exclaimed.

"You go ahead. I'd like to read my book." He said as he pulled out his book.

"You have to eat too!" You whined.

"I'm good." He said bluntly.

"I'll drag you there." You said in your most threatening voice.

"I'd like to see you try." He said in a deep voice.

It made your heart flutter a bit. You grabbed the back of his chair and started dragging him out the door. He did not expect that from you and squirmed around a bit before putting his feet on the ground to stop you.

"Okay! I'll go!" He yelled.

"Yay!" You cheered.

He took his book and you both headed towards the cafeteria. You got there and sat yourself down while Kaiba got his food. You unpacked your food and started eating. When Seto sat down. You got a look at his lunch. It looked pretty good. You both ate and went back to class soon after.

Class went on normally. It was pretty boring, but you doodled a bit to pass some time. At some point the teacher called on you to read a passage. You still weren't the best at Japanese so you stumbled a bit on the bigger words. Once class was done you followed Seto out to the lockers again. Once you changed shoes, you followed him to his car.

"Want to exchange phone numbers?" You asked.

"No." He responded.

"Why?" You whined.

"Because were not friends." He responded.

You pouted. "I thought were friends. We eat lunch together, unless we're more than friends.~" you teased.

He turned a bit red. "We're just friends. Would a home phone number suffice?" He asked.

"Yes!" You exclaimed while handing him your phone.

You watched him type in his number and name into your phone. He hands it back to you and you watch as he gets into his car and drives away. You wave goodbye to his car. Once he's gone you make your way home.

You felt pretty happy. The weekend coming up, you got your crushes number. Not his cell but his home number. That was good enough for you though. You practically skipped home. Over the weekend you texted Anzu. She wanted to know if you wanted to go shopping. You said next weekend since you were low on funds, but your family would send you money by next weekend.

After spending some time at home, you decided to go out for a walk. It was a nice and warm day. You walked around a bit and thought this would be much better with a friend. You opened your phone and stared at Kaiba's number. Your finger hovered over the number before you finally decided to press it. The phone rang for a bit till a kid picked up. Did Kaiba have a younger brother?

"Hello! I'm looking for Kaiba!" You said.

"I'm Kaiba." The little boy said.

"Oh..." You said. You weren't sure how to ask for his older brother.

"Are you looking for Seto?" He asked.

"Seto?" You asked in response.

"My older brother." He responded.

"Yes!" You replied.

"Sorry but he's busy today." He said.

"Oh. Thank you." You said before he hung up.

After that you headed back home. You were a bit sad you didn't get to hang out with him today, but you were excited for Monday. You now had his first name.

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