Fan Girls

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Finally, Friday had come! You had been craving the sweet release of the weekend. Mainly to get a break from the schoolwork. You woke up a bit early today and made your way to school. On your way there you saw Seto's car pulling up. You quickened your pace to meet up with him. As the car pulled away you noticed a gaggle of girls greeting him.

Who knew Mr. cold glare had a Fanclub? He seemed to ignore them, not even giving one a passing glance. He probably didn't like the attention from them. You watched a bit before making your way to him.

As you passed the girls, they shot you dirty looks. They clearly did not like you. You decided to act like you didn't notice. You caught up to Seto at the shoe lockers. No thumbtacks in your shoes this time.

"You're here early." He remarked.

"I woke up early! Maybe I was just excited for the weekend." You said changing out of your shoes.

"Are you doing something this weekend?" He asked.

"Nah. I just like getting the break from school." You replied.

When you both finished changing shoes, you made your way to the classroom.

"Do you have any weekend plans?" You asked.

"I have to work." He replied.

"You have a job? Where at? Maybe I can visit you there this weekend." You said.

"It's a corporate type of job." He stated.

"Ah. So, I can't visit." You replied a bit dejected.

Soon, you both had made it to the classroom. It was somewhat empty with a few classmates. You both sit in your seats and wait for class to begin. Seto pulled out his book and began to read, you decided on just doodling to pass time.

Time passes and eventually people come to class. Eventually classes start as usual. Jonouchi and Honda ended up showing up late. They were reprimanded by the teacher before being allowed to sit and take part in class.

Soon lunch was upon you. For today's lunch you made rice balls. Your host family had a bunch of leftover rice and taught you how to make rice balls. You weren't the best at making them, but you were proud of what you made. You even had enough to share with Seto!

You pulled out both lunch boxes and presented one to Seto. He eyed the lunchbox before him before putting his book down.

"You don't have to make me lunches anymore. I'll go to the cafeteria with you." He stated.

"Well, I just learned how to make these, and we had a lot so I brought some for lunch!" You explained.

He opened the box and looked at them for a bit. Soon he picked one up and inspected it further.

"Are these rice balls?" He asked.

"Yes!" You exclaimed.

"I didn't know they could be star shaped." He teased.

"They're not... I'm not used to making them and the rice kept sticking to my hands." You pouted.

He chuckled a bit before taking a bite. "At least it tastes normal." He said.

"If you're gonna be so judgmental, then maybe you should show me how it's done." You state.

"Maybe I will, but then again I could just buy it from the convivence store." He replied.

You pouted but still ate your "star" shaped rice balls. You inspected them a bit, they weren't star shaped. He's just being a dick. You were on your second one when a group of girls open the door to the classroom. They ask for you by name. It took you a second to realize they were the girls from this morning.

You look over at Seto, who doesn't even acknowledge that they were asking for you. He had picked up his book and continued eating. You decide to go over and see what they want. They told you to follow them to the bathroom, so you all could speak privately.

You follow them to the bathroom. Once in there, the girl you presume is the leader steps up to you.

"How'd you like our little gift in your shoes?" She asked.

"It wasn't funny." You stated coldly trying to channel your inner Seto.

"Well neither is you flirting with Kaiba." The girl retorted.

"You need to leave him alone!" Another girl chimed in.

"Yeah! You can't just be all friendly with him!" Another one spoke up.

"Look, if you promise to leave him alone, we'll stop." The leader spoke up.

"What? That's ridiculous." You replied.

"What's ridiculous is you waltzing up in here flirting with the most handsome guy in school." A girl replied.

The other agreed with her. These girls were some crazy fangirls, no wonder Seto ignores them. Maybe you should follow his lead. You decide to just leave instead of continuing this weird conversation. You were immediately stopped by a girl.

"We're not done here." The leader stated.

"I am. I'm not going to stop being his friend just because you're possessive over some guy who obviously ignores you." You replied.

Angered the leader grabs your shirt and pulls you to her face. "I'm going to make you regret moving here."

She lets you go and pushes you to the ground. After that she and her little posse leave. Once they're gone you straighten yourself and head back to class. Once there you sit down and start eating again a bit angrily.

"How was your little meeting?" He asked, not breaking eye contact with his book.

"Ugh! They wanted me to join some fan club." You replied.

"Did you?" He asked.

"HA! No, besides they threatened me." You replied.

"Threatened you?" He asked.

You got a bit nervous. Would he leave you alone if he knew you were being bullied for even talking to him? He's finally friendly with you. Besides, you could probably resolve it yourself. It's time you stood up for yourself.

"uh...Yeah if you count being told you need to join threatening. It was more the way she said it." You tried explaining.

"hmm." He replied going back to his book.

As soon as you finished eating class started up again. Everything went on as normal. Soon as you knew it, it was time to go home again. You and Seto made your way to the shoe lockers. Nothing in your shoes this time. Quickly you changed shoes and waited with Seto for his limo.

You wished him farewell as he left. Soon you started walking home as well. Quickly you were stopped by Anzu. She asked if you had plans for the weekend to which you responded no. She then asked if you wanted to hang out with her tomorrow, and you agreed since you really had nothing better to do.

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