His Name

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You were running late for class again. Fortunately not super late again, but you had to skip breakfast once again. You make it to the gate before the teacher starts to close it. You watch as some students rush in. You make your way to the classroom soon after. When you get there Kaiba is sitting in the classroom already reading his book. You sit down and decided to start talking with him.

"So how was your weekend?" You asked.

"Busy." He replied before going back to his book.

"Ah...That doesn't sound fun." You said.

It was silent for a bit. Why was he so cold today?

"I heard you called over the weekend." He said.

"I did! But your brother said you were busy." You responded.

"Yeah." He replied.

Your conversation was cut short when class started. For once it was good because that conversation was going nowhere. You went through classes normally. You were told that soon in your economics class you'd be learning how to make something a little complicated. That sounded exciting.

After some time in class, lunch finally came. You had been looking forward to it all day. You dragged Kaiba to go and eat lunch with you again. He was a little more willing to go with you since he brought his book. It was a pretty quiet lunch once again. Once you finished your lunches you started walking back to class together. Time to strike up a conversation again.

"So...Your name is Seto?" You said.

His immediate reaction was to bonk your head. It wasn't hard but a warning. You looked up at him and he looked a little flustered. You laughed a bit he looked kind of cute.

"Don't use my name." He grumbled.

"What's wrong with using Seto?" You asked.

He tried to hit your head again but you dodged his attack and ran ahead of him a bit. You giggled in triumph.

"I'll kill you." He said in a harsh tone.

"Seetooo~" You sang out.

"You're dead." He said before he charged towards you.

The look on his face was a kind of scary. You took off running and when you looked back he was giving chase. For a book nerd you didn't expect him to keep up with you. You run into your classroom and trying to look like you hadn't been running away from Seto. You close the door gently behind you and sit in your seat.

Soon after you sit down Seto slams the door open. You sit there terrified before he turned you around in your chair. You let out a yelp as he grabs your cheeks and pulls on them. You hear some of your classmates laugh. He leans in close to you and looks you in the eyes with a cold glare.

"Don't think I'll let you get away with this." He whispers to you.

You nodded hopping he would let you go for now. Luckily he did and the teacher came in soon after. The teacher gave an announcement about running in the halls before class started. Then they started class. Luckily class went by without much more excitement.

When class ended you followed Kaiba to the shoe lockers again. You went to your lockers and found a note in there. A love note? You opened it. It was a threat. It said to leave Kaiba alone or else. You threw it away and quickly caught up to him.

"What did you mean I won't let you get away with this?" You asked.

"You'll find out." He responded.

It was threatening but kinda attractive.

"Want to hang out?" You asked.

"No. I'm busy." He responded before getting into his car.

You watched as he drove off. Then you met eyes with Yugi and his friends. They waved at you to go over and you did.

"We're going to Yugi's game shop if you want to come!" Bakura said.

"We're going to watch Jonouchi play Yugi in Duel Monsters!" Honda said.

"What's Duel Monsters?" You asked.

The group responded with gasps and shock. Suddenly you were bombarded with info about the game. Before you knew it you were at the game shop. You were introduced to Yugi's grandpa. Then the boys brought out their decks and you slowly learned the game.

Eventually you bought your own starter deck. A spirit charmers deck. You thought it looked pretty. They decided to help you learn by letting you play with the deck a few rounds. You lost but it was pretty fun. Soon it was time for you to go home. Maybe you'll show the game to Seto the next time you see him. He might like it as well.

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