Weekend Plans

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Over the weekend your message was still left on read. His family's business probably kept him busy all weekend. You just spent the weekend finishing up homework and hanging around the house. Soon Sunday came upon you and you made sure to set your alarm to wake you up early.

In the morning, you woke up and quickly got dressed and practically ran out the door. On the way to school, you stopped by the konbini and grabbed two bentos for you and Seto. Once that was done you continued your walk to school.

You were there earlier than Seto and his little fan club was there to greet you. You felt a bit of dread as you walked into the school's entrance. The girls glared at you and some snickered as you walked past them.

As much as you wanted to see what Seto you would did not want to be around those girls. You walked over to your shoe locker to find it empty. You groaned, tired of having to go to the trash can for your shoes.

As you walked over to the trash can you noticed how the fan club watched you. You were suspicious but they probably just wanted to watch you pull your shoes out of the trash. As you looked into the trash can, you found your shoes. They were torn to shreds and unusable.

"We figured you would've tried to change schools, so we got rid of your school shoes for you." One of them spoke up.

The rest of them laughed at her statement.

"It's best if you leave. You make Seto miserable with your presence." Another girl chimed up.

They all agreed amongst themselves. You looked around to see if anyone was around to see them, but it was too early in the morning. No one was around. That's when something hit your head. When you looked down you saw it was a balled-up piece of paper.

"My bad! I was trying to hit the trash." One girl said.

"What do you mean? You did hit the trash." Another girl corrected her.

They all began to laugh. As they did you could feel the tears well up in your eyes. You tried your hardest to stop yourself. When you looked up at them a familiar face had appeared behind them. You wiped the tears from your eyes to make sure you weren't seeing things.

As faces got clearer, yours lit up a bit at seeing Seto. Although he looked less than happy. Once the girls had stopped laughing, they noticed you smiling and that your gaze was behind them. when they turned, they all saw that Seto was behind them and had been watching their actions.

"What are you doing?" He demanded.

Most of the girls were silent but the one that you assumed was the ringleader tried to speak up.

"We just wanted her to leave you alone." She attempted to explain.

"You think I'm incapable of handling myself or choosing who I want around me?" He asked in a menacing voice.

"N-no! That's no-"She started.

"Don't show your faces around me or her again. If we ever see any of you again, I'll make you regret it." He growled.

Their faces all went pale after he said that. You watched as they quickly gathered their belongings and ran off. You would've laughed at them but seeing Seto that menacing scared you a little. You did like how low his voice got though.

Once the gaggle of girls had all left Seto had made his way towards you. You tried to hide your shoes in the papers inside the trash. But you did a poor job and what was left of your shoes were still visible.

"I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for helping me." You responded.

"Let me know if you see them again." He said.

You nodded in response.

He looked down at the trash can and saw your shoes. He looked mad. You watched as he walked over to his shoe locker and pulled something out. You watched as he handed you a pair of shoes.

"But these are yours!" You said.

"I have extras." He responded.

"Thank you!" You told him.

You both changed shoes. His feet were larger than yours, the shoes didn't fit well, and you felt like you were wearing clown shoes. You both get to class and into your seats. It's still a bit early so only a few people are there. Once Seto had set down, he pulled out his book and began his daily reading.

"Are you usually busy all weekend." You asked him.

"Yes. I work till late all weekend." He replied.

"Your parents sure keep you busy! Can't you ask for one day off?" You asked.

"Why do you want to hang out so badly?" He asked in return, breaking eye contact with his book.

"To thank you for helping me!" You replied with a smile.

"You don't need to thank me. It's my fault you were getting bullied." He said looking back at his book.

"It's not your fault. How were you supposed to know they'd do that." You responded.

He looked back at you, contemplating what he should say next. You were right though. His ex-fan club was very secretive about the bullying. You still didn't know their names and the school was not very willing to help you out. You were secretive about it as well.

"Besides, we're friends! I like spending time with you!" You broke the momentary silence.

For a second you thought you saw Seto blush. Quickly he looked back to his book and continued reading.

"Fine, I'll see if we can hang out this weekend." He replied.

You smiled at him and swung your feet in your chair. You hoped you'd be able to go over this weekend. You were definitely going to spend the whole week picking out your best outfit to wear.

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