Card Games

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You spent the rest of your weekend doing homework and thinking about your relationship with Seto. You obviously thought of him more than a friend but did he view you the same way? Maybe it was best to stay friends, but your feelings were strong. Maybe you should confess to him.

On your way to school you think it over more. It's still a bit early to tell infatuation from actually liking him. Besides you guys just became friends, and you don't want to ruin that. You also have the girls to deal with.

When you get to school, you notice your school shoes have gone missing. You don't have any spares and have no idea what to do. You look around trying to see if there's spares, no luck. There's not many places to hide shoes, except the trash can. There's no way they'd just throw your shoes away, right?

Wrong. You peeked in the trash can and saw a pair of shoes. They were haphazardly hidden under some papers and empty drinks and snack wrappers. At least they hadn't gotten dirty, quickly you changed shoes and made your way to class. You spent too much time looking around for your shoes and barely make it to class before Jonouchi.

"I didn't see you running late." Jonouchi says.

"I got sidetracked and lost track of time." You said brushing him off.

Jonouchi goes to his friends, and you head over to Seto. Quickly you sat down and relaxed with the time you had before class began.

"Thought you rejected the fan club." Seto said as you sat.

"I did. I just forgot to grab something." You lied.

"What was it." He asked.

Oh, great you didn't think this far ahead. That's when you remembered the duel monsters deck you had. You never took them out of your school bag.

"Have you heard of Duel Monsters?" You asked.

He eyes you as you pull out the deck. But as soon as you do that the teacher steps into the room and class begins. Tell him that you'll talk more at lunch. Classes go by as normal. Eventually lunch starts and immediately he puts his desk closer to yours. Your heart flutters when he does this.

"I just started the game a while ago. I wanted to know if you wanted to play!" You explained.

"Let me see your deck." He said and put his hand out.

You give him your deck and watched as he looked through them. You pulled out lunch boxes you had prepared in the morning for the both of you. You began eating and he put it to the side. You also pulled out the two BOSS brand coffees you bought on your way to school. You gave one to Kaiba.

"Thanks. Your cards are pretty weak." He stated.

"Yeah. I lost several times." You said a bit bashfully.

You took a sip of your drink. Bitter. You tried not to spit it out. Kaiba seemed to like the drink though.

"You play?" You asked.

"I used to." He said.

"Want to play together?" You asked excitedly.

"No. I gave up on it. But I can give you some cards to help you with your deck." Kaiba said.

"Really?!" You exclaimed.

"Think of it as a payback for the meal and drinks." He said.

You smiled and finished up your food. Seto began eating his and you gave him the rest of your coffee drink. Once lunch was over classes resumed and the rest of the day went along uneventfully and then classes were over.

You and Seto walked to the shoe lockers together. Once again, your shoes were filled with tacks and another note. Maybe you should report those girls, but you didn't have much in evidence. They didn't exactly sign their little notes to you. You threw everything out and quickly joined Seto, who was waiting for his car.

"What do you keep throwing out of your shoes?" Seto asked

"Pebbles. There's a lot of construction on my walk here." You lied.

"So, what's the plan with my deck?" You asked.

"Are you available right now?" He asked.

"Yeah." You replied.

"Come over to my house today." He stated.

You were surprised he was bringing you over to his house so suddenly. He must've really liked this card game, or your cards really were that pathetic. Soon his limo arrived, and he held the door open for you.

"Get in." He said.

You were a bit surprised but got in. You sat next to a window and looked around in amazement. The inside was surprisingly small. There was a mini bar in there. It was mostly filled with glass containers filled with water.

Seto climbed in after you and sat next to you. He pulled out his book again and started reading. You didn't have anything else to do and you didn't want to be caught staring at Kaiba again. You got out your homework and started on in.

The limo stopped at a middle school and a little boy with black hair jumped in. He looked at you before looking at his brother.

"Who's this?" He asked bluntly.

"A friend who wanted to see how real winners play duel monsters." He replied.

Oh god. Guess your cards really sucked. Maybe he's really competitive with games.

The boy rolled his eyes before taking his seat. "I thought you stopped playing."

"I did. I'm just showing them how to play." He replied before stuffing his face back in the book.

Soon the car fell silent. You and the kid introduced yourselves. He was Seto's younger brother Mokuba. He pulled out a handheld game and you went back to doing your homework.

After a few minutes the car stopped. You put away your homework and followed the brothers out of the limo. Your eyes widened at the sight of their house, a large white mansion. You followed them inside.

You've never been in such a huge place before. It was like entering a modern castle. Inside a butler took their school bags. You pulled out your deck before handing your bag to the butler as well.

Seto led you down a hallway and into a room with two chairs and a table. On the walls were shelves of trophies and even some Duel Monster cards that were in cases. No wonder he was bringing you to get better cards. He really loves this game.

You sat down and watched as he pulled some cards out of a drawer. He carefully went through the cards, pulling out some and pulling out others. When he finished selecting them, he finally presented the cards to you.

"These should help with your weak deck." He stated.

"Thanks!" You exclaimed.

He spent the next few minutes explaining the cards and their uses to you. Carefully you listened and paid attention. You were sure you could win a few duels with this deck now. You lost track of time and when you looked at the time on your phone it was close to curfew.

You told Seto of this, and he sent for you to be taken home in a car. Quickly you thanked him and packed to leave. The car ride was quick and you made it home just in time.

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