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You walk to school early again. You're still on cloud nine after going to Seto's house the other day. You never thought he would invite you over, let alone help you with card games. He was definitely warming up to you! He even called you, his friend!

You arrived well before Seto. You could tell since his little fan club was hanging around the front door of the school. There also wasn't a lot of people around. You walk past the fan club and ignore their death glares. You felt a paper hit your head, followed by giggling.

You just go on to change your shoes. As you do that you hear them squeal and gather around the doorway. His car had probably arrived. The girls were pretty loud as Seto was getting out of the car. Did they really have to make this much noise in the morning? No wonder Seto didn't like them.

As you put on one school shoe, Seto had reached his own shoe locker. The Fan club soon dissipated after he got to you. Relief seemed to wash over him as he approached you. You felt kind of bad for him.

"Early again?" He asked.

"Yeah, I actually woke up early today!" You exclaimed.

"Did you make it back home in time?" He asked.

"Yes! I never would've made it without your help!" You replied.

You both finished changing shoes and head to class together. The halls sure were empty in the morning, it was a bit eerie, but Seto seemed more relaxed with no one else around.

"I forgot to thank you for having me over the other day! I didn't even bring a gift!" You exclaimed.

"It's fine. You weren't even there for long and it was a last-minute thing." He replied.

"Thank you for having me over anyways." You said.

"You're welcome he replied.

"Your place was really fancy! Are your parents brain surgeons or something?" You asked.

"...Something." He replied.

"I never got to meet your parents." You said.

"They were busy." He replied bluntly.

"Ah. Do you and your brother get lonely?" You asked.

He ignores your question and continues to walk to class. You follow him.

"If you're ever lonely you can call me. We can hang out or chat. I know what it's like to be lonely." You mention.

That makes him stop walking. He doesn't even look back at you.

"Don't make assumptions about me." He stated.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to let you know I'm here for you. That's what friends are for." You replied.

"I don't need friends." He said as he continued to walk to class.

"I don't need friends." You mocked his deep voice before following after him.

"That kind of talk makes you sound lonely." You said.

He glared down at you. You matched his glare with an eyebrow raise.

"Am I wrong?" You asked.

He rolled his eyes and walks into the classroom. Inside were a couple of students already seated. Half taking an early morning nap. You both sit in your seats and wait for class to begin. It takes a while but eventually students start coming in.

Classes go on as usual with nothing of note happening. Eventually you start to grow hungry. You count the minutes until lunch has to begin. Once you all are excused to go eat you immediately get up.

"Let's go, I'm starving!" You state.

"Ugh. Do we need to eat?" He asks.

"Yes! Do you need me drag you out of class again?" You ask.

He groans but gets up, knowing that he has no choice in the matter. That doesn't stop him from trying to read his book and walk at the same time. He follows you to the cafeteria and there, you both eat.

After eating you both make your way back to the classroom. When you make it back, you both notice there's a bit of a commotion inside. People were crowding around both your desks. You and Seto exchange a questioning glance to each other before heading in.

Your desk was covered in writing, calling you a whore and other nasty things. Some of your belongings were dumped out of your school bag and broken. Your bag was tossed onto your seat.

This is getting annoying, and you were reporting those girls after school. This is enough.

"Are getting bullied?" Seto asked.

"Pssh. They probably got the wrong desk. I'm still new to the school. How could I have enemies?" You brushed off his question.

You hoped that was convincing. He looked at you skeptically, but he seemed to buy it for now. You did your best to clean up everything before class started. It wasn't a huge mess and not a lot of your stuff was destroyed.

You managed to finish up most of the mess before class started. You still had some writing to erase but since it was done in pencil you erased it slowly during class. Eventually class was over, and you had finished cleaning your desk.

You and Seto walked to the shoe lockers together. You expected your shoes to be messed with as well, but they were fine for now. You both changed shoes and you waited with Seto for his ride to pull up.

"Are you sure you aren't being bullied?" He asked a bit concerned.

"You sound like a concerned friend." You teased.

He rolled his eyes. "I am a concerned friend."

You smiled at him. "I'm fine." You lied.

His ride pulled up and you watched as he got into the limo. Before it pulled away, he rolled down the window and handed you a piece of paper. You looked at it and saw it was a phone number. Confused you looked at him.

"I'd prefer if you text me instead of calling." He said.

With that he rolled up the window and you watched the as car drove away. Once it was out of sight you made your way back into school. You were a bit giddy that he gave you, what you assumed was his cell phone number. Quickly you put the number into your phone.

Then you got back into your school shoes and headed to the teacher's office. Once there you met with your teacher and told them about what was happening. They asked you if you knew who the girls were. That's when you realized you didn't even know their names or what class they were from.

Then you were asked if there was any evidence of the bullying. You didn't have any evidence of that either. You were too busy hiding it from people and throwing stuff away to think of gathering anything as evidence.

With this your teacher told you to come back with names or evidence and maybe something could be done. They also told you in the meantime to be strong and try to ignore them for now. That advice sucked and you left the school upset. Time to collect evidence and names.

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