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On Friday Seto had told you that he would be able to spend the weekend with you. Although he wasn't very keen on going anywhere. You suggested places but he seemed hesitant to go anywhere. So, you suggested to hang out at his house. His house was big enough for you both to find something to do.

He texted you later that night to tell you he was gonna have a car pick you up in the early afternoon to hang out. You were surprised and got all your belongings ready for tomorrow. Over dinner you talked to your host family about how you were excited to hang out with your friend. They seemed happy for you.

When morning came you got yourself ready and double-checked what stuff you would bring over. You had bought a gift for Seto's family, and you planned on bringing your duel monsters cards. You may be able to play together, if you were lucky, you could probably beat him at a game!

As soon as the clock struck noon the doorbell was rung. Your host mom answered it and you checked yourself over before going to the door. Quickly you grabbed the gift for the Kaiba family. When you got to the door your host mom told you there was a car there for you. She looked a little worried.

"Is this safe?" She asked you.

You nodded as you spotted Seto's chauffeur. "The family is rich, that is their driver." You assured her.

"Make sure you're back at curfew and let us know if you're in trouble." She told you as you walked out to the car.

"I will!" You responded before getting into the car.

When you got into the car you buckled your seatbelt and the chauffeur started driving. The drive was pretty long compared to the last time you took this route. Then again, last time you were in a rush not to break curfew.

Eventually the car made it to the mansion. You were still amazed with the size of the place as you got out of the car. You rang the doorbell and waited for a while until someone answered the door. You were greeted by a short fat man dressed in a suit.

He introduced himself as Hobson the butler to the Kaiba family. He noticed the gift you had in your arms.

"Is that a gift?" He asked.

"Yes! I brought it for the family!" You exclaimed.

"Family?" Hobson asked.

You were a bit confused as to why Hobson was confused. But soon Seto had found you and Hobson at the door. Seto was dressed in a plain black turtleneck and black pants. It wasn't something you'd think he'd wear but he did look attractive.

Hobson stepped to the side as Seto came to greet you. You held out the gift to him.

"I bought these mandarins for you and your family!" You said.

"Thank you. You didn't need to bring a gift." He said looking over the box.

"I just thought it would be good manners." You stated.

"Follow me." He said, as he handed the box to Hobson.

After changing your shoes into the house shoes provided to you, you followed Seto down a hallway. You passed a couple of doors and followed him into a room.

Inside the room was a table with two chairs, probably for card and board games. Along one of the walls were a couple of vintage arcade machines with a few newer ones thrown into the mix. Against another wall was a tv with shelves filled with games and their corresponding consoles and bean bags sitting in front of it.

"Woah" was all you could say.

You weren't much of a gamer or anything but this room was like a kids daydream. Like their own personal arcade. You were a bit overwhelmed by the sheer volume of stuff they had. You expected to just play card games or something.

"Is there anything in particular you want to play?" Seto asked.

"I'm up to do anything." You replied.

He walked over to the tv and bean bags. You followed him.

"Have you ever played Mario kart?" He asked.

You laughed. "Yes."

He set up the game and handed you a controller. You both played several rounds before his brother decided to join you both. The brothers were way better at the game than you. Eventually you all moved on to different games.

You were pretty sure they had every game ever made because they kept pulling out different games and consoles. They managed to beat you at all of them. Eventually you suggested Just Dance to them. Mokuba was ecstatic at this suggestion, Seto on the other hand was not.

Mokuba set up everything for it and soon you both were dancing. You both did a couple of songs together. Eventually Mokuba tapped out and you turned your attention to Seto, who had been watching you both play.

"No." He started sensing what you were going to ask.

"Come on. Just one dance!" You begged.

He contemplated it for a minute. "No."

"Scared you won't be able to beat me at this?" You teased.

That seemed to grab his attention. He got up and you decided to pick out Rasputin. It was the most ridiculous and fun one you could think of. You were also getting tired so might as well spend the last of your energy on this.

As you both started Mokuba sat in a beanbag to watch. The dance was easy enough to start with. Seto was pretty good at keeping up with it. Eventually the harder part of the dance came up.

You were able to keep up for the most part but once you lowered to the ground it was over for you. You fell flat on your ass. You looked over to Seto expecting him to also have fallen to the floor. You were amazed though, he was still keeping up with the game.

Quickly you got up and tried to keep up with the game. You did your best but once you had to squat and bounce back up, you could no longer keep up. You ass fell to the floor again and you heard mokuba laugh at you.

You decided to accept defeat and you just laid there, breathing heavily. You looked over to Seto who was still doing the dance. Although he stopped dancing when you didn't get back up.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just defeated." You responded.

"We can take a break now." He said.

"I would love to." You replied.

He helped you off the floor and Mokuba went off to keep playing games. Seto led the way to another room. It looked like a living room with a giant couch and coffee table. You sat down on the couch as he left.

A few moments later he returned with some of the mandarins you brought. He tossed one to you and you caught it. You both peeled the fruit and then the butler later arrived with some more snacks and drinks.

There was an array of drinks from juice to soda. There were a bunch of snacks too. Chips, rice crackers, and a variety of candy. There were even some more of the mandarins you had brought. Once the snacks and drinks were placed on the coffee table the butler left.

You opened one of the juices and a bag of chips. You opened it so you and Seto could share the bag.

"You didn't have to bring all these snacks out." You said.

"I didn't know what you liked." He commented.

You giggled. "You could've just asked." You replied.

You grabbed a few chips and stuffed them into your mouth.

"When do your parents come home? I'd like to thank them for letting me come over." You said.

Seto paused momentarily before taking a sip of his drink. He stayed a bit quiet for a bit. You both sat in silence. You stared at him and he seemingly stared past you.

"I have to tell you something." He finally spoke.

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