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You waited for Anzu in the town plaza by a fountain. You came a little early to make sure you didn't keep her waiting. You people watched for a bit and noticed people throwing coins into the fountains. They were making wishes. You decided to give it a try and dug around your pockets for a coin. You found a quarter you hadn't managed to exchange.

You turned your back to the fountain and flipped it behind yourself. You made your wish, for Seto to date you. You heard a small plop. You looked behind you and you saw your coin in the water. That never usually worked. Maybe your wish would come true.

You felt someone tap your shoulder. Was that your knight in shinning armor already?? When you turned to face the person, it was Anzu. Her outfit was quite cute. A pink mini skirt and yellow sleeveless turtleneck.

"Were you waiting long?" She asked.

"Nah, I got here a few minutes ago." You replied.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

"Starving!" You replied.

"Good! There's a café nearby!" She said as she led the way.

The café was called Almondo. It had both indoor and outdoor seating. Since the weather was nice you, both choose to sit outside to enjoy your food. Once seated you both looked through the menu. It was quite a list to choose from. Although the personal pizza was catching your eyes.

You looked a bit more before ultimately just choosing the sandwich. Now you had to choose a drink. Half of them were your typical coffee shop drinks but the other half was sodas and floats. You weren't really sure what to get.

"What drink are you going to get?" You asked.

"I'm thinking the strawberry crème soda! What about you?" She responded.

"Hmm... The Melon soda float or the Peach soda. I can't decide." You reply.

When a waiter came by you both ordered, and you decided on the Melon Soda float. You never had melon soda before, and you never had it as a float. Once the waiter had taken your orders, Anzu started up a conversation.

"So, how's school?" She asked.

"It was a bit hard at first but eventually I got the hang of it." You replied.

"Is it harder than America?" She asked.

"Yes! We have some classes that they don't even offer over there." You replied.

"Oh wow! I've always wanted to go there!" She commented.

The conversation then divulged into her dreams of becoming a dancer in America. You were pretty surprised. You never met many people who wanted to become professional dancers. So, she told you more about it until the food arrived.

You were both given your meals and drinks. The soda tasted really good, and it wasn't anything you were expecting. As you both were eating you continued your conversations and even talked about what you wanted to do for college. Maybe you'd both end up at the same school.

Finishing your meals, you paid and then chose to do some shopping. You're unsure of where you wanna shop. Anzu decides to take you to her favorite shop. It's a smallish clothing store filled with trendy clothes that are more her style. You look around and pick out some clothes to try on and she does the same.

"How has Kaiba been treating you? I know he tends to be a bit mean sometimes." She asked.

"He's a bit blunt but he's pretty fun to hang around!" You reply.

"Really? He has such a cold glare and puts up so many walls." She responds.

You shrug your shoulders. "I just burst through those walls like the Kool aid man."

"The Kool aid man?" She asked.

"I'll show you." You reply, pulling out your phone.

You showed her a few videos of the Kool aid man bursting through walls. She found it pretty funny. You both laughed a bit before decided you have enough clothes to try on. You try on a couple of shirts. You managed to find a sweater that said "fuck" on it.

The temptation to buy it was strong. You could wear it to school on cold days and have a laugh to yourself. Then again, quite a few teachers knew English and you'd most likely get in trouble. Besides, you had a uniform that came with a jacket.

You left the store only buy a few accessories and Anzu bought some shirts. There were other store around you could buy stuff from anyways. While walking around with Anzu conversation picks back up again.

"So, what do you think of Jounouchi?" She asked.

"I think I should pound his face in. Why's he so rude?" You asked.

She laughed a bit. "He's just a little rough around the edges."

"I think someone ought to round out those edges." You commented.

"Maybe someone could..." She suggested.

You giggled a bit at the thought of Seto roughing him up a bit. He did try to make you feel better by making fun of Jounouchi. That was fun. You heard Anzu giggling as well. She was probably imagining him getting his ass handed to him as well.

Since she's always around him he probably harasses her as well. You both continue on with your shopping trip. Looking at stores and buying clothes or accessories from places you liked. Eventually the day passed you by and you both had to go home.

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