Rainy Day

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You woke up a bit late today. In your rush to get to school, you didn't check the weather. After sprinting for a bit you feel the familiar pitter patter of raindrops hit your face. By the time you realized it was too late to turn back for your umbrella. You sigh and hope you can make it to school before it starts to really pour.

Unfortunately, lady luck was not on your side today. You were caught in a heavy rain and found yourself caught under a tree. Due to the size of the tree, you were able to keep somewhat dry. That's when you noticed someone wearing the school uniform coming towards you.

Your face drops when you see the dyed hair, Jonouchi. As he gets closer, you can see that he is somewhat soaking wet. Once he got under the tree with you, he shook his head to get the water off. It reminded you of a stray dog.

"You wouldn't happen to have an umbrella on you?" He asks.

"Nope." You reply somewhat coldly.

"I see that jerk is rubbing off on you." He says under his breath.

You got a little mad and glared at him. "He's a lot nicer than you."

"Ha! Nicer? He's letting his little girlfriend run around in the rain." He teased.

"He's not my boyfriend!" You basically shouted.

You felt yourself get a little flustered. You had enough of him and looked around for another tree you could take cover under. Maybe you could just make a mad dash and get to school. Just as you try to leave, Jonouchi grabs your arm and stops you.

"Wait. I have an idea." He says.

You're still mad but also curious about what he has to say. You watch as he pulls his jacket over his head, keeping his arms in the sleeves. He holds the jacket open and spreads out his arms. He looks weird and somewhat umbrella shaped.

"I'm not doing that with my uniform." You tell him. You're not even sure if your jacket can stretch like that.

He laughs a bit. "No, you get under me! I saw this in an anime. It's gonna keep us dry!"

You're a bit skeptical and hesitant. But, it's probably better than nothing. You get under his weird jacket umbrella. Luckily he was a little taller than you but you still crouched.

"Okay, now run!" He exclaims.

You both start running together. It was a little difficult and awkward. He would hit the back of your heels every now and then. You ended up stepping on his feet as well. But, you were able to stay mostly dry the whole run to the school.

When you got to the gates of the school, you could see Seto waiting for you by the front doors. He looked a mixture of confused and angry. As you got closer to the building, you picked up the pace and ditched Jonouchi. You ran straight for him and got inside.

"What are you doing with that idiot?" He asked, glaring down at you.

You felt a bit of a chill roll down your spine. You'd never seen him this angry before. "We got caught in the rain together an-"

"I kept her dry." Jonouchi cuts you off, he makes it sound like he's bragging.

Seto's gaze shifts from you to Jonouchi. Before you realize it, He put his arm around you. "You still feel pretty wet. Let me dry you off."

You could feel yourself blush profusely. "Th-that's fine!! I can do it!"

"I kept her dry enough." Jounichi snapped back.

Both boys glared at each other. The situation was getting tense and you felt like they were going to start fighting each other. You had to think of something that would break them up.

"We should get to class! We're gonna be late!" You piped up.

You grabbed Seto's arm and slowly dragged him to your shoe locker. Reluctantly he came with you. Quickly you dressed out of your wet shoes and into the dry school shoes. You both walked to class together, arriving just before the bell rang.

You get through all your classes and eventually lunch arrives. You scoot your desk next to his and pull out your lunch. Luckily you didn't forget that because your late wake up, you didn't get to have breakfast.

"I'm taking you home today." He stated almost like a demand.

This caught you a bit off guard. "You don't have to!"

"It's going to keep raining." He told you.

"Oh.." was all you could respond.

"Besides, I have something to talk about with you after school." He almost whispers this.

Now your curiosity was peaked. What could he want to talk about?? Was he gonna scold you about this morning? Your thoughts raced with different ideas of what he could possibly want to talk about. You could hardly focus on the rest of the school day.

As the last came to an end, you both head to your shoe lockers. As you finish up changing into your damp shoes, Seto waits for you by the door. He took off his jacket, revealing a short sleeved button up shirt. You approach him a bit confused.

"Why'd you take off your jacket?" You asked.

"I didn't bring an umbrella and I didn't want to get wet on the way to the car." He replied.

You were confused. How was he going to stay dry with his jacket off?

"I also wanna show you how a real man properly protects someone from the rain." He continued with a smug smirk.

You feel yourself blush slightly. He hands you one side of his jacket and he grabs the other side. You both hold it over your heads and walk out into the rain. This was a way smarter idea and it kept you better protected from the rain.

On the way to the car you could feel people staring. You're pretty sure you could hear some people saying how cute you both were. You tried your best not to feel flustered or to let it show. Once you got to the vehicle, he opened the door for you and let you in first. Once he gets inside, you quickly turn to him. The curiosity has been killing you all day.

"What did you want to talk about?" You asked.

He looked at you a bit nervous. "I've been thinking about getting my ears pierced."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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