The Truth

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You looked at him. He seemed to be struggling to tell you what was on his mind. Was he gonna confess his feelings for you? But why would he do that after you mentioned his parents. You were confused and your mind went crazy with ideas.

"When me and Mokuba were little, we lost our parents." He started.

You were taken aback. That wasn't what you were expecting to find out. You weren't really sure how to respond to that, so you sat there and listened. He continued to tell you about his birth parents and what his extended family did when they passed.

He continued to tell you about how he and Mokuba were adopted by Gozaburo. He explained what happened when they got home and the type of childhood he had after that. You were angered at how they were mistreated. He ended everything with how his adoptive father committed suicide.

You both sat there in silence for a bit. You were unsure of what to say or how to even respond to what he told you.

"I'm sorry for everything you endured." You said, breaking the silence.

"It's fine. I'm over it." He replied.

"Thank you for telling me. I'm sorry you felt you had to keep it a secret." You told him.

"I thought you would treat me differently like the others." He replied.

"Well yeah! I would've been more considerate of not bringing up your parents!" You retorted.

He smirked and rolled his eyes. "That's not what I meant."

You were confused and your facial expression showed it.

"The fact that I'm in charge of a company and rich." He said.

"Oh! Yeah, I would've made you buy your own lunches!" You replied.

He laughed a bit. "Is that really how you would've treated me differently?"

"Yes! How are you gonna be rich and not eat lunch!" You complained.

"Wait." You paused. You thought for a minute. "Is that why you had a fanclub?" You asked.

"I assume so." He replied.

"I just thought it was because you're cute." You blurted out.

You felt burning in your cheeks right after you said that. Seto himself looked like he was starting to blush. You couldn't read the expression on his face. It was a mixture of shock and embarrassment. He probably feels disgusted that someone like you would call him cute.

You both looked at each other for a bit before you decided to break eye contact. You could feel your cheeks growing hotter. An awkward silence lingered in the air and you were unsure how to break it. You looked over at the snacks provided on the table.

You both reached for the chips and your hands touched. Quickly you both brought your hands back. You just could not catch a break today!

Quickly you grabbed a mandarin and pulled it back to you. You struggled to pierce the skin with your nails. You scratched in hopes of getting it open. You heard Seto let out a sigh and he outstretched his hand to you.

"I'll open it." He said.

You placed the mandarin in his open palm and watched as he peeled it for you. He peeled it a lot nicer than you would have. Once he was done, he handed it back to you. Shyly, you snacked on the fruit.

He grabbed himself a fruit and started to peel it for himself. "So, you think I'm cute?" He asked.

Internally you started screaming.

"Back home, girls would form little groups to talk about guys they found attractive." You replied trying to avoid the question.

You looked over at him as he nodded. You could still feel your face blushing and tried to calm yourself.

"So, I figured that's why they formed a little fanclub for you. But you could be right too." You continued to explain.

He was eating his fruit while listening to your explanation. Hopefully that would distract him from the question. You finally felt yourself calming down a bit.

"That doesn't answer my question." He replied.

He had a smirk on his face. He seemed to be teasing you and enjoying it. You had to think quickly of a way to answer him platonically. It felt like an impossible task, until an idea came to your head.

"Yes, just like how you would find a puppy cute." You replied.

"You think I'm cute like a puppy?" He asked.

"More like a cat. Mokuba's like a puppy." You responded.

He looked at you blankly. "I'm like a cat?" He asked.

"Yes..." You weren't sure how else to respond.

You looked at each other for a bit before he squinted his eyes at you. He leaned in closer to you. His face, only a few inches from yours. You could feel your face growing red once more and did your best to keep your composure.

"Do you not find me attractive?" He asked.

You very much found him attractive. You wanted to tell him how everytime you looked into his eyes you felt yourself fall in love. How when he called your name, your heart would flutter each time. That even now you wished to kiss him and for him to reciprocate your feelings.

Fuck it. You were gonna tell him.

"I-i..." You stammered.

Your nerve was getting the better of you. He looked at you with anticipation of what you would say. You took a breath to calm yourself and tell him.

"Seto, I find yo-

The alarm on your phone went off interrupting you. You jumped a bit in shock and Seto leaned back. You looked at your phone and turned off your alarm.

"What was that?" He asked.

"I set an alarm for when I needed to return home." You responded.

"Oh. I'll have you chauffeured home then." He replied.

You followed Seto to the front of the mansion. He left for a little bit, before he and his butler came back. You and Seto changed out of your house shoes and he walked you out the door. Quickly the same car that picked you up that afternoon came rolling up to the door. The chauffeur came out and opened the door for you.

"Thank you for having me over! I had fun!" You told him.

"It was nice." He half smiled at you.

As you started to walk to the car, Seto grabbed your hand to stop you. You looked back at him, confused.

"Can you come over next weekend?" He asked.

"I'd love too." You replied.

You swore you could see him blush a little. With that he let go of your hand and you got into the car. As soon you were out of his sight, your composure left. You were blushing the whole way home, rethinking the events that had happened.

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