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Today's class wasn't super exciting. Just the usual gen ed classes but you were excited for a class you'd have to take later. Home Economics, they didn't teach this back in your old school, so it was exciting. You wondered what you'd learn.

Eventually when time came for that class, you and your classmates moved to a classroom with kitchen stuff. The teacher explained food and kitchen safety. Then they explained today's assignment and how to make it. Today you all were making Salmon Meuniere with a side of asparagus. The dessert was to be Purin.

Once the explanation was over everyone got ready to cook. You were put into groups of three. You ended up in a group with Jonouchi and Seto. Jonouchi's friends teased him from their groups. Seto began prepping the ingredients. You went over the recipe once again.

"What's Purin?" You asked.

A few students who overheard you, stared at you before Anzu answered you.

"It's a custard pudding, that's really popular." She started.

You took another look at the recipe. It was similar to another recipe you knew.

"So, it's like flan?" You asked.

Your classmates in return asked you what flan was. You explained that flan was a Mexican custard dessert similar to Purin. You even explained what Choco flan was. Some were amazed that there was a similar dessert. You happily exclaimed that you would make it for them all one day.

"Pfft. Or you might just make it for Kaiba only." Jonouchi interrupted.

You stood there a bit shocked and embarrassed. Jonouchi just laughed to himself. That's when Seto hit Jonouchi on the back of the head.

"Both of you need to start helping me cook." He stated.

"Oh! Sorry!" You said before rushing back to work.

Eventually everyone else goes back to focusing on their own work. You, Seto and Jonouchi split the work between yourselves. You would work on the Purin, Jonouchi would cook the fish and Seto would cook the asparagus and the sauce. You all worked for a while until Seto, and Jonouchi started fighting with each other.

Jonouchi claimed he needed more space to cook the fish. Seto said he needed more space since he's technically cooking two things. Both of them go back and forth for a while. During the commotion you started to smell something burning.

Since they were fighting Seto had turned off his burners. Jonouchi wasn't as thoughtful and left his burner on. Not only was it on but he had set the heat to high. Quickly you decided to break the fighting and save the fish.

Stepping between them, to physically part them to turned down the burner. You suggest that you take over cooking the fish and Jonouchi does the Purin instead. You were practically done with the Purin anyways and just had to wait for it to refrigerate.

Jonouchi agreed since it's less work for him and he'd get away from Kaiba. He went to go and sit down and wait for you and Seto to finish. Quickly you flipped over the fish and inspected the damage.

It was slightly burnt but it was the skin of the fish, so it wasn't too bad since most people didn't like Salmon skin. You were able to cook the rest of the fish with ease and no complaints of space from Seto.

You all managed to finish the dishes and plate them for the teacher to grade. The teacher asked you all a few questions before writing some things down and giving you a grade. You guys scored an A for the dish. With that you all were given the okay to eat your dishes. Just in time for lunch.

You never had this dish before, so it was different, but it tasted pretty good. You avoided the skin of the salmon as you ate. You poked around at your asparagus though. You never really liked asparagus much.

"Here." Seto said as he handed you his Purin.

You started at it before taking it.

"I'm not a big fan of sweets." He stated.

"Do you want my asparagus?" You asked.

"Sure." He said.

You moved the asparagus over to his plate and then went on to eat your Purin. That's when you overheard Jonouchi complaining loudly to his friends that he wanted an extra Purin. You glared at him. If you made flan for everyone you would make sure not to give any to him.

"You should ignore idiots like him. They like to talk just to talk." He stated.

"My mom would say something similar. People like him just like to talk out of their ass and spew shit everywhere." You said.

That got a chuckle out of Seto but he was interrupted.

"You know I can hear you guys!" Jonouchi exclaimed.

"Good! Maybe you'll learn to shut up!" You yelled back at him.

After your response Seto laughed. Your heart fluttered a bit at the thought of being the person who made Seto laugh. Soon you broke into a laugh too. Eventually you both stopped laughing, you could see Jonouchi throwing a little fit. His friends seemed to be teasing him as well.

Eventually everyone finishes their lunch and then move back to the classroom. Their class goes on as normal. Once class is over, you and Seto walk back to your shoe lockers. As you reach for your shoes, something pricks your finger. Quickly you pull your hand back. Weird.

Carefully you pull out your shoes. It looks like someone had filled them with thumbtacks. It was more annoying then anything. Quickly you went over to the trash and dumped them out. A waste of perfectly good thumbtacks. You carefully made sure none were stuck inside your shoes before putting them on.

By the time you put your shoes on Seto was waiting by the door for you. Quickly you ran over to him.

"Why were you by the trash can?" He asked.

"There were rocks in my shoes." You lied.

You didn't want to tell Seto about the note and the thumbtacks. He finally started warming up to you and you didn't want him to get scared. Or to leave you alone for your safety. Pretty quickly his limo appeared. You watched as he got in and left for home. Soon after you went home yourself.

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